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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. Now I'm hungry, Pancakes anyone

  2. Out of the forest and back in the city I am.

  3. Dear facebook world I made it through the night camping out. Camping can now be removed from my bucket list.

    1. blownengine


      You have only gone camping once? I have been dragged across the country my entire life.

    2. blownengine


      You have only gone camping once? I have been dragged across the country my entire life.

  4. It's July 14th and yes my fuck tard ass neighbors are popping fireworks again. And not just bottle rockets. No they have the big shit. The shit that sounds like mortar strikes going off. Imperial, fireworks = winning!

  5. Its after midnight and I'm just now leaving Alton to head back home to Imperial.

  6. I'm having another what the fuck day. And this day is by far one of the worse days I've ever had to experience.

  7. So it looks like that fantastic wife of mines isn't paying shit to anyone. She owes chase $700 and they're trying to come after me for it. Oh another happy happy morning to start the day.

  8. The new word for today ladies and gentlemen is "Fang Rape" I repeat "Fang Rape". First there was Skate Rape from Hobo With a Shotgun and now this from True Blood.

  9. I'm back home. Its hot as shit outside so I'm staying in under the A/C. I have 43 invites to Google + left so if anyone wants one just shoot me an email or something. Oh and I'll need your email in order to send you the invite.

  10. Time for me to show hit the Mills to pick up my "Hood Boys" shirts and then hit up this meeting.

  11. Man I really want some damn waffles this morning. I need to teach myself how to actually make those damn things.

    1. DylanH


      Buy frozen

      Take out of package

      Put in toaster

      Wait till done

      Careful, they might be hot. remove from toaster, cover in butter and syrup and you now have waffles!

    2. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      milk eggs a box and a waffle iron. chicken and waffles FTW

  12. Holy Jehovah's Witness my balls are tingling Batman!

  13. $75 for gas, lord why did I buy this suburban?

  14. Time to get started.

  15. So the max limit in small claims court in mo is $3k the fucking store has damn near $4k. I now have no ideal what to fucking do.

  16. I said this CM Punk suspension was another fucking wrestling angle. LeVar A job, like I said a job.

  17. I need food where will I go to grab some.

  18. True blood time. Let hope this shit isn't week like last week.

  19. I made it home finally from another fun night of adventures and surprises. Now that it's almost 5 minutes to 5am, I guess I'll take my ass to bed. Morning everyone.

  20. Well the deal is done. Those of you that know what I'm talking about know what I'm talking about.

  21. Man the fucking Klitschko vs Hayes match was boring as shit. Glad that it is over with. No excitement in it at all.

  22. Time to make that work run.

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