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Everything posted by Chode69

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  2. ive gotten a 151.9 sealed with a single DC Neo 18 and 2 5ks* *note it was a low tuned box designed for an SMD
  3. yea my bad meant the 12k.... ive been talking about the 5ks a lot lately and it was in my head haha. my highs i have all 4 8s and all 4 tweets on my JL HD600/4 each channel seeing a single 8 and tweet.
  4. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=OW67FJqPUDE
  5. site looks great Rusty!!!! how did you get the XL 15 to weigh less than the XL 10 and 12 haha
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  7. I dont think you would like the neo price tag. It has a comma in the number. i got mine at the right time haha...i love these subs MMMMMMM NEO GOODNESS
  8. twisted...that is all...9 cups of vodka/everclear lemonade and 2 beers and a shot of straight vodka...im still pretty coherent....fuck my tolerance...get on my level bitches
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  10. im a dodge fan but the military H1 has always been a fave vehicle of mine since i was a kid
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