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Everything posted by DUBIE

  1. isnt the expensive one last you longer than the other ones.?...or its much more better?
  2. damn..12 views in this thread and nobody wants to leave donations?...thats wrong man...if ya guys think im making this :censored: up.. then you guys are dumb.(dont take it bad)...im being really really serious...please any help donations would help us..!!.we dont wanna leave our friend down..hes been there for us..and now we wanna be there for him..
  3. well guys this thursday one of our family friends brother past away..=(...died in sleep...well ill make the story short...our friend brother had a brain surgery 4 months ago doctors didnt expect of david to pass the surgery...they didnt think he was gonna be able to make it...then days later after surgery doctors saw that david was getting better and better...they thought a miracle saved his life...well then doctors gave david some medicine for him to take due the surgery..then days and months past then we saw that our friend david was getting sick and had MAJOR HEADACHE...but our friend just told us by sleeping the headache would go away..so we just left it like that..we didnt believe or taught it was bad..so then now on thrusday he died when he fell asleep...the pain was so strong that killed our friend david..=(... so im asking here if anybody would like to give any donations it would really mean alot to us..our brothers friend dont know what to do right now..he was to collect $3,000 by wednesday for cementary...we been doing carwash's since friday and collecting money for our friend...so far we havent collect atleast half of the money...once again any donations from anyone would help..and thanks for reading the long story....we will preciated and thank everybody in SMD..!
  4. well not really bro...were i live you could sell a SUV fast...i wish i could help ya out mane...thats one hell of a clean nice car..!
  5. i guess im just gnna have to buy the tools and the wood and learn how to build one...
  6. true what everybody said...this site is the best car audio site you could ever find...you find fast help response...meet cool people..have conversations..you could find good car audio deals from members....everybody helps eachother...once again congrats bro.!...and im sure this site is gonna get bigger!!...
  7. i want one too.......but still would be scared driving that thing
  8. reading david's post hahahaha..lol..people turning gay in steve's forum = FUCK THAT
  9. thats a nice car man!....wish i had the money to buy that baby!..
  10. ill say voltage drop..but you dont have to have a voltage gauge hooked up to check voltage..you could easy check on lights and RPM's....maybe you need extra batteries for your amp....your stock stuff maybe cant handle your 1000watts...even in my car with 1000watts with BIG III i still have major voltage drop...my RPM's drop...alot...i have to acelerate all the time..no joke
  11. ill go with alpines, pioneer,kenwood....great headunits i had and never had problems with them
  12. anybody in here have a ported box for 2 12's ?..i guess this is a good place to ask...hopefully somebody comes thru..
  13. anyone have a box laying around that i could have?
  14. plus one more thing the amp cant get burned like that...your amp just got too hot and just went into protect mode everytime you higherd your gain...you might wanna keep your gain a lil lower man
  15. id say it goes to protect mode when....it gets too HOT or too low on electrical...or too low on ohm load...
  16. yea that too but that means you gota have super good electrical..lol...
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