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Everything posted by OldsBoomer

  1. Pull your wallet out then lol Girl friends car so i have to ask her first lol Haha whats her number ill hit her up lmao your a funny man haha she is working which is why i have to wait
  2. Pull your wallet out then lol Girl friends car so i have to ask her first lol
  3. DC Power or Tehcurrent( i cant remember how to spell his name) should be able to make you a bracket. DC power can hook you up with alts. If you need a box design hit me up bro
  4. dude if you want to do the XXX do it. I'd suggest the AQ 3500.1 for both subs and if you need more power just add one more but just start with one. Get 1-2 alts(I suggest 2) and 2-3 D3100's and your'll be set.
  5. I hope you didn't take what i said as a personal attack. Its more of a rant for me. Im just tired of seeing these lazy, fat, ungrateful, and disrespectful kids. Still there are ALOT of kids and parents that use ADD/ADHD and other "issues" to make themselve to feel better about themselves or their kids. Im glad that you actually apply yourself and are doing well which is what others need to do. I say move to the other school and challenge yourself which will need MORE of your attention and force yourself to do well. Keep a good head on your shoulders and do well.
  6. I like port back or port to the side. My buddy has his mayhem in a 6.5 cubes box sub up and port back on passenger side and it slams his box with port back was great too. maybe a wee bit more port area since you will upgrade power later
  7. yup its just an excuse so parents dont have to face the fact their kid is a total idiot. Im 19 and I am tired of all the breaks kids get. O they have this O they have that. They make up so many medical disorders now for people I cant keep up. Yea you got ADD/ADHD take the meds or learn to control yourself. If you couldn't do that 50 years ago your dad would beat your ass. Parents want to be to nice and make up to many excuess for why their kids fail and cant concentrate on anything other then playing video games and feeding their fat ass. Now I will agree their are kids that do have mental dissabilities and they should have their own classes to help them in the manner they need.
  8. redo that box design man oo 28D thats diff but I would do a different port
  9. Get out of a school that just makes excuess for kids not being able to concentrate. Sorry not trying to talk down on you but the fact that we have schools just to help kids concentrate is insane. The kids need to focus they can if they want to. Switch schools, the colleges could look at the high school your at now and see you need a handicap and will not want to deal with it.
  10. with 5k you think he can get the 8k to power them? could yes but thats pushing it alittle. What are your goal bro? XXX are nice subs!
  11. Hey guys looking for an XS Power D1400 my zip is 21911 so please Pm me a shipped price a local pickup would be GREAT!
  12. Actually looks really good considering. good thing you two weren't hurt
  13. o ok lol my bad can you have dimensions? ill shoot you a design if you get some
  14. I really want to see and hear this :clapping:It should be INSANE. The most youve put to a Q was 2200 unclamped watts, correct? yea but that was unclamped, once i have that power i will only turn it up that much for special ocassions because i do not believe they will do well with that much power but we shall see when the time comes. If i get a good paying job before my ship date it might be sooner then expected.
  15. I can and will once i get them i'll run my Q's until i get the subs ill prob have the power before the subs so the Q's will have the potential to see 3-4k a piece
  16. o shit bro i wont have BTL's or mayhem for awhile unless my Tax return is HUGE!! plus i need the power for them and 1 AQ 3500.1 is no where near up to par lol i would need about a little less then 4x that power. Which is why i want a 14v setup. Eventually I want dual alts charging to 16.6 and about 7 D1400's
  17. haha says my FB and the info where it says "Location" on here lol. But yea Mayhem/BTL's is the plan for the S10. Another vehicle will house a SMD at some point prob my TDI Golf once i get stationed and get to touch my money once again.
  18. well i've had more and still will so far one 15" Q, 2 15" havocs,1 18"Q and 4 12" Q's and if its not to far ill ride up there or meet you somewhere
  19. Thats because i have 4 of their subs hater/stalker I might have to drive up to NY to meet you one day nce the system is in
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