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Everything posted by LoudNLow931

  1. I'm still waiting on an invoice to pay for my lvl5s guess ill try to call again tomorrow.
  2. I think it should do good, I was running 2 XL 18s and a AQ3500D.1 with this box. I was planning on running lvl5s and a DC5k in it but Im changing cars.
  3. If you have big enough zip ties yes. But for real yes.
  4. Looking to buy 4 LVL4 15s with lvl5 coils(Dual 2) lmk what you got!
  5. VERY True! that makes up like over 80% over the internet or someshit right.
  6. Well I know if you did karaoke of a song yes that would effect you but idk if you did your own cover of a song.
  7. Anyone seen this yet? http://act.demandprogress.org/letter/ten_strikes?akid=700.450896.5hVZPC&r Its mainly aimed towards music and movies and stuff on youtube, Kinda bullshit... I don't think it will be passed(until its more specific on what will count as strikes etc) what about you? The actual bill: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=s112-978 More About It: http://shoryuken.com/2011/06/29/trolling-the-stream-by-ultradavid/
  8. Box is for 2 18s, 12 cubes net tuned to 35hz, 37.5w,50deep,17 tall. Double baffled top and back wall, braced with 2x4s and wooden dowels. Asking $200 picked up, will drive up to 30 miles to meet. There is some screw holes on the front of the box but you can fill them.
  9. I have the viper 5901 and its awesome, its a 2way with 1 mile range so if your within a mile of your car and the alarm goes off the key chain beeps. It also has remote start and auxiliary(can set it up to pop a hatch etc)
  10. Before you do anything read,read,read,read then when u think you know everything read some more its alot more than just a Walmart stuff now...
  11. Still haven't got my invoice to pay? Was supposed to send it when parts came in.
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