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Everything posted by ineeDBass419

  1. Yea I don't know what to do.stuck between a rock and a hard place.ide like to make things work untill she can come back.but its lookin like my only option is to just let her go.if she comes back it was ment to be,if not then that's how it has to be
  2. I don't plan to leave my daughter,never have never will.all I can do is hope things will work out.its hard not to let it get me down.its like every female I have been with fucks me over and when things start goin good some shit like this happens.
  3. See the thing is he was abusive.the court says she needs to put distance inbetween them,and they say that kentucky is the best choice.she lives in michigan about 25 min away from me here in ohio.her grandparrents have a 2nd home in kentucky and gave it to her so she can start over away from him.they have a job lined up for her at a church daycare and they paid up on the bills for about 6 months so she can get on her feet.
  4. Lol..ill try to put somthin up.not sure how to upload them to photobucket on my phone.
  5. I could do that but not untill the new year.ill be loosing my job then and can't afford to take any days off.they got me working 6 days a week
  6. Very well said. She's moving because she thinks/knows it's the best thing for her kid, abd you staying, would be the best for yours. I'm sure she can understand that. Yea we both understand why I can't go and why she's going.I just feel like I should wait for her.this woman has been amazing the past year.made me feel like no other woman has made me feel.I'm just stuck,should I try to move on knowing noone will ever replace what we had or should I stick it out and keep the relationship going.I know long distance relationships don't really work kuz you don't get the things you need.but damn love sucks lol
  7. That's true.we went 4 years without seeing or talking to eachother and when we did start talking again it felt like it was ment to be.
  8. Supercharged-it started jus talking on the phone an such,then we started spending time together.all of my family is here in ohio,everything is.my daughter lives with her mother and would never let me move with her out of state.if I had custody I would jus go,but I don't and can't leave my kid. Gameing-I'm thinking that's my only option,unless I want to wait for her to get on her feet and have her move bak here and us get a place together. Chris-kids first exactly,that's why I can't bring myself to move down there with her.my daughter will always come first
  9. Alright guys,first off. I'm going to say I'm not the type to post a thread about my personal life like this but I need some opionions. I use to work with this girl about 5 years ago and I thought she was amazing but I was to shy to talk to her.I ended up having to quit my job there,and only kept in contact with this girl through myspace,never really talked jus every once in a while.well last year on my birthday I check my email and she sent me a message sayn happy birthday.so I reply back telling her to call me sometime.well we have been talking ever since,and I fell deeply in love with her.(again I'm not the type to post my personal life or fall for a woman,I've been fucked over to many times.)well since then she has been through a lot of bs,custody battle and shit.the only way for her to keep her child she needs to get away from the pos father.and the only way she can do that is to move to kentucky,I live in nw ohio.I would go with her and jus start a new life down there but I have a 7 yr old kid and I'm not going to leave her.so my question to you all is what would you do in this situation?would you wait for the woman that has been great to you,or would you just move on and part ways?sorry for the story but I need some more opinions on what to do.thanks to everyone that has anything to say about this
  10. This^ He just needs to calm down a little bit
  11. No? I always thought that distortion was just as bad,kuz all you would be doing is making that distortion louder through the amp. Not tryn to say your wrong.I know you know what your talking about.I just want to get my facts straight
  12. if your music is already distorted then all your doing is amplifying that distorted/clipped signal
  13. lets get this back up top,get them some more reviews. http://www.reverbnation.com/triplethreat419 theres all of there songs on that link.like them for me,there #50 in toledo lets get them to the top fellas.do a fellow SMD'er a favor thanks to everyone that has listened
  14. no need for 10ga on your mids and highs bro..i got 100ft of 14ga on ebay for like 16 shipped
  15. i know about that.i figured u ment that wasent happening anymore since the +1 was gone for you.sorry for the confusion
  16. yea but the slave amp you hook the - wire that goes to your speaker to the + terminal
  17. yes.you hook the + wire to + terminal on the master,then the - wire to the + terminal on the slave.
  18. http://www.google.com/search?q=how%20to%20strap%20amps&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&source=hp&channel=np
  19. Every amp is different.some put out more,some put out less.give it a little time I'm sure there's more people on this fourm that will chime in that have clamped there 3500's
  20. Meh..not my cup of tea.but like you said everyone has there own taste.the one wonder posted sounds better imo
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