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Everything posted by deeje

  1. Well good luck finding something cheaper then crescendo that just barely do over 600 at 4 ohms.
  2. 4 ohms is the highest I've ever seen a sub stage ran on and 2 ohms would be fine to. Its when you go down to .175 or something like that. Then that could happen.
  3. Um 600 at 6 ohms you would need like a 2k amp lol. Why not run at a lower ohm load.
  4. Sonicelectronix isn't one? If you search tho you'll find plenty. Hell the owner of the site has another site with them for sale.
  5. No no free shipping the wires already cheap and so is the shipping from them really.
  6. You attach the speaker wires from the back of the headunit to the speaker wires on the convertor with some sort of connector. Bam pre outs.
  7. As I've been saying lol unless you know what your doing. Don't do it.
  8. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B002F58O88/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/190-7153555-5328409 Buy 2 hook one set to your front speaker inputs one to the back. Good to go.
  9. Like I said. If you don't know much about the equipment don't put it past rated. You need good clean unclipped power and a solid electrical.
  10. It can take 3k daily. I have mine on 2400 right now. Hell actually a level 4 would work on a rf 1500 as long as you beef it up.
  11. DC xl, fi btl, soindsplinter. Asxendent audio. Sundown.
  12. Audio planet aren't very good either and definitely not sq soundstream is pretty good as far as power but there not very good sq wise. You should up your budget some.
  13. For a 120 shipped to Canada a good 4 channel dosent seem like it'd happen.. Maybe an mb quart.
  14. http://www.pasmag.com/car-audio/test-reports/1796-test-report-american-bass-ph-2500-md Phantom series looks pretty shitty as I said it looks like a lower end.
  15. 18k handling 12.. No that's false. They do get decently loud on 3k tho. I've never seen a American bass 2500. Link? Ah found it I think apparently there lower end clamped 750 at 1 ohm and has 4 gauge connections. I wouldn't buy it. If you want a real American bass get a 120.1 or higher those do rated and then some.
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