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Everything posted by deeje

  1. badass amp just theres none in stock right now and i thought you were wanting a 2 ohm load?
  2. Either that or step down to the xl's and put a rf-2500 on each that'll sound better then a level 5 on 3k all day long imo xl's are the best subs dc has out right now. Unless your really wanting to throw some serious power at em.
  3. That's perfect for 1 set if your getting 2 sets then not enough power..
  4. I never said you didnt and im not trying to bash. But if you want to sell em i was just giving some advice. Lower the prices.. Alot. :peepwall:
  5. i have a xl 15 on a dc pai 2000 which is about the same power i hit a 143 in the kick sealed.
  6. There's views cause no one knows what your selling. Nobody is gonna pay 25 for some 10th gauge 100 for some speakers with a hole that are cheaper new. Or a harness that comes free with most dashes man.
  7. Go to sonicelectronix and look up your model 89 free shipping bro. And with the hole those are worth maybe 50 shipped. Sorry but you got ripped on those if your taking a hit and you bought em for a bill.
  8. Those speakers sound pretty good but your asking for 20 more then brand new ones shipped maybe if they were like 40 i'd buy em.
  9. There was a pre order about a week ago there making new ones theres still some of the old ones floating around in some places.. i have one lol.
  10. Get 2 18's? Or downsize to level 3's 4 level 3 12's would be around the same price and still a lot louder
  11. You could most likely get to 2 dc xl 12's for less then that and be wayyyy louder.
  12. Also if not to much trouble maybe some download links lol.
  13. What are some of the hardest hitting badass sounding dubstep songs so far i have like 4 i need moar lol.
  14. Holy shit that is nice. Bet its nice to be able to pick up one of them amps new too.
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