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Everything posted by zfrerichs

  1. Hahahahah you must not have done very many installs because I guarennte if you had 15 people a day contacting you say they want a box build or desgined you wouldn't be saying the same thing one you've done single 12 and 15 boxes over and over and over again it become minotonis(sp) no offence to anyone but it's the truth with me So do 10 desgins a day for the next month, then after that let's talk about how willing you are to do it
  2. I'm not speaking for James here I charge for desgins because I know what they are worth and I know what my time is worth. And some people rely on installs and doing other things that some people can't And I'd like to see you try to tell Pete at pwk desgins that he shouldn't charge people for desgins
  3. Good fucker here he give payment real quick!! He bought some wire paint and a four channel off of me
  4. how is the box on craigslist ported? looks to me like the rear chambers are sealed and the front chamber is ported out the back and a piece of plexi goes on the front of the enclosure
  5. for your application no it wont matter
  6. Eh how much power are you running to each sub? Whenever you are shrinking boxes you'll lose your frequincy range, mainly lows now I know this is not always but I am refering to shrinking below recommended sizes by a great deal. I would not recomend making your sealed box into a ported one, we could try a ported box with two of your 12s? But 4 12s in a single cab is alot, ported isn't impossible but I don't think it would be worth what you would have to give up example being leg room or your seats tilt back. Also I don't like to build boxes that cram passangers, I could, but if no one but a midget can sit in your seat I'd imagine you would be keeping the box for very long. So if you are set on having 4 12s ported I would recomend cutting something out. Also if you would try to port your current box you would have a very short frequnciy(sp) range you could play and it would be higher freqs at that, so not very injoyable, well to me that is I like lower tuned boxes for daily ie 28hz or so
  7. i saw the one where he was doing the home run derby. Damn that fool cannot swing a baseball bat!!!
  8. one that would fit this application perfect.................. but i deleted the plans tho sorry, it was ported out the side and had an angle on it so you could lean back
  9. i charge 10 bucks on pay pal, includes box drawn up and a through cut-sheet
  10. OT here what amp is in your sig the arc 4k? sorry to hear about the dog bro, shit sucks
  11. what 2 channel is .5 stable? lol and sounds to me like you and your friend have no business running anything a .5.. Just a little for warning for you
  12. poylester resin is WAY better for what we use resin for Epoxy resin you have to sand with 36 grit inbetween EVERY coat poylester resin is good if you get a bonding resin, the stuff from home depot has a wax in it and isnt as strong us composite resins i have not worked with before but i hear very good things, and i want to try it i have a TAP plastics local to me so it makes it easy for me
  13. your in europe..? then get the ground zeros!! forget the btls, the plutoneums are a much better sub when talking about higher power!!
  14. thanks bro with eveything i sell or do for people the last thing i want is for anyone to feel scamed i dont like it when people do this or come off as shady with peoples money, because i know everyone earns their money just like i do so i want you to spend it wisely here are a couple desgins i did yesterday for people on a different site 4 alpine type r 12s this design is iffy but the guy didnt want to make the box any other way atomic apx 18 Re XXX 12 dd 9515 and my design from an atomic apx 10 its a fourth order as im trying to learn about 4th orders and bandpasses
  15. shipping form footlongsam would be cheaper and i dont want to undercut anyone so ill let him chime in first maybe send him a pm with dimentions of the box you want built and he can draw something up
  16. i have many refs and a couple of people know me personally i can draw your box up before you pay me but i wont send the dimentions or the cutsheet and paypal is your friend with buying things off of a forum
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