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Everything posted by PUNKYOU007

  1. i have seen as high as 16.4v on a cold start up and sometimes i stay above 16v for a while. as the engine warms up it does drop but stays in the mid to high 15's.. i have a yellow top and two hc800's and have not had any issues yet. but deff check to make sure your stinger meter is set properly.
  2. why rush just so you can play music just to get it back just to rebuild everything? might wanna upgrade the wire too.
  3. oh how true that is. my female is the smartest dog i have ever had. shes an inside dog but i used to keep her outside alot on a chain, she either broke the chain or would twist the chian up to the point that it would break the coller. then i put her in a 7' fence...took her all of 2 days to figure out how to climb out...then she went to just jumping right over that bitch. so i put her on a chain in the fence... break the chain then jump the gate. now shes inside all the time and we have a metal cage that she sleeps in, didnt take her long to figure out how to open that. now i have to put her in the cage and put two snap rings on the cage so she cant get out... i love her but shes a damn pain in the ass sometimes. And i have found that if i make her mad, she will get revenge.
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  11. my mother spent almost $2000 on a Kirby more than 10 years ago and let me tell you that bitch is still going STRONG to this day. I does have a bag but its not that bad. I cant stand the clear vacs with the can you dump out because it doesnt take long before the clear parts become dirty and then you have to take the whole damn thing apart to really clean them. but yeah my moms Kirby FTW
  12. i am looking for two or three kinetic 2400's or 3800's. give me a shipped price to 23860 also please include pics with resting voltage.
  13. Good looking car. Welcome to the site, plenty to learn here....plenty to teach too
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  17. if you got it in a completely legit trade....how come you dont know if the ESN is activated?
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  20. you think that sony is pulling that much current? makes sence tho if everything is shutting off then coming back on. But like Klown said, if its just the amp then you need to check your ground. make sure its tight and make sure its clean of paint.. Also dont use all caps, all caps means yelling in a forum.
  21. how much sparking are we talking about here? is it sparking like crazy if you keep the fuse there? or is it like a couple sparks while your trying to push the fuse in? if its sparking non stop then i would say that wire is grounded out somewhere. if its just a lil spark or two its because you have the ground hooked up and when you put that fuse in your completeing the circuit and thats the power trying to get through that line. just unhook the ground and put the fuse in then reconnect the ground.
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