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Everything posted by Bumpindemlowzz

  1. I would go with the 8" before a single 6"... You could also make a custom pvc port but they arent as great i suppose.
  2. Theres a 2005 tahoe here thats a nasty color but very cheap. Id like to get it repainted a dif color and stuff so i got a quote for 4,600.00 at a local chevrolet dealor just last week. Edit- thats front bumper and back bumper color coated as well. Midnite black with a clear nothing special.
  3. Awesome man, good luck with your testing! Hope all goes well.
  4. They dont have darkstar for vista? wtf haha lmk if im doing something wrong pls! Edit: Opps i figured it out but theres only one theme available for free i believe and its still not darkstar. Bummer
  5. In the first post it explains it a lil. It basically turns your phone into a modem so when connected to a computer it gives it internet.
  6. Anyone happen to know how i would hook up the amps to it? Would i need something like a Rockford Fosgate 360.2? Any help would be appreciated! Also the carputer itself includes everything i need to power it up correct?
  7. I would like to have a 10" screen those 7" just seem too small. Ill see if i can find a 10" version of that monitor.
  8. http://www.mo-co-so.com/Lilliput-FA1045-NP-C-T-10-4-Touch-Screen-with-VGA-p/mcs-lil-104.htm I found this monitor, would anyone know if i would be able to disassemble it to mold it into the dash? So far this is all i need i think right? monitor link http://www.mo-co-so.com/Lilliput-FA1045-NP-C-T-10-4-Touch-Screen-with-VGA-p/mcs-lil-104.htm Computer http://www.mo-co-so.com/Mini-ITX-1-6GHz-Dual-Core-Car-PC-Atom-330-p/mcs-cbs-lf2.htm - Upgrade the ram to 4gb and the hdd to 320gb. I would probably go with the Win 7 ultimate...
  9. Thanks for the link. Now I just need to find a monitor I like and can flush into the dash. That'll be later im at work. Anything else I need?
  10. Its probably been asked before a few times but i was wondering what the most cost effective way to put together a carputer. I was looking into possibly getting a Ipad and just getting a bottom of the line Alpine deck just for a volume knob. I dont know how to get it all to work in conjuction to one another. Any tips or suggestions? All i want is media and internet on the go!
  11. Thieves... We work hard for our dollar and someone comes and takes it.
  12. Its not on the subject of the z v2 but do you offer sa 15's? If so could you pm me a price range?
  13. He cant spell for shit either...
  14. add me gamertag- SavageBoy89 2nd prestige level 40 right now... Im decent at the intervention and mostly play ffa, dom, dem, hardcore team deathmatch, and team deathmatch. I play too much:)
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