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Everything posted by troy

  1. i had in mind either 2 fosgate T2500-1bd or 4 SAZ-1500D or if i feel comfortable with it 4 T2500-1bd
  2. i mean daily. like bump it on the way to the grocery store. And then home for the grocery store.
  3. how much power can you really put on a lvl 5 18???
  4. ok i think im sticking with the 2 18s idea. im really feeling lvl5's. now i need power for them. any suggestions on that? i kinda wanna stick to fosgate or sundown.
  5. ok i just got a tahoe simply to build a system in. ive had a few ideas floating around in my head. all the choices will have plenty of power to match them.
  6. mine is in pretty ok condition. the paint on top is chipping a lil but other than that its perfect yep that means its underrated like all fosgate products
  7. i have a old school fosgate amp its a 4600x and i was wondering what its worth and all. i know its a 4 channel amp and its supposed to produce 60rms per channel.
  8. alot of it hits pretty well. its kinda a mix between hiphop/rap and rock. check some of it out
  9. see i really like that thats exactly the color i wanted too was white. its in ohio though. i live in sc. ROAD TRIP
  10. yea that is a sexy car and is actually pretty easy to get alot of power out of it.
  11. which would be the better car. i want a rwd sports car that is prolly a convertable/roadster. any other ideas are appreciated Honda s2000 Nissan 300zx Nissan 350z
  12. ebay. talk to a guy that goes by woosatech. 150 a pair shipped and like 75 for 1.
  13. i need a punch hx2 15 dual 4 ohm sub to match the one i already have.
  14. the audiobahns have a great looking basket. do a flame theme and call it a day
  15. no im starting college. i want somethin pretty quick. about 15-20 grand.
  16. i might do that. is there anything else that is relitive easy to fing but pretty quick also?
  17. ok i think ive given up on my importing a car into america dreams so im leaning toward something else. i want something fairly small like a mini cooper s or somethiong similar thats pretty quick. any ideas?
  18. i konw raytard mentioned taxes. how much will these hit me
  19. whats the cheapest way to get a car imported including taxes and everything
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