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Everything posted by slugdub

  1. That's kind of the point, really. Low-tech video production is 90% of their shtick.
  2. Anything above 20% is high and anything around say 10-15% is decent. Lower is probably out of your league. Actually my info might be a bit outdated with the current situation. But that should give you some idea. Either way you don't want to be paying any interest on that shit. Pay it off every month! You're already freaking me out wanting to know that much. You want to avoid missing a payment in full at all costs. Even more so you want to NEVER NEVER NEVER miss a minimum payment. I don't want you making minimum payments, but that is the ultimate no no no. Every tradeline on your credit report has a window for how many times you were late 30/60/90 days. You want it to look like this: 0/0/0 If you fuck up, you are screwed bigtime.
  3. hehe, no wonder your hating on T&E I feel your pain though. The damn pillow cases get pilly right away and mine even ripped the first time I used em. No girlfriend is ever going to want to sleep in a crappy bed. I suppose the chew-stains on my pillow aren't helpin either.
  4. I'm still awaiting my adult membership after sending a PM about 4 months ago hehe
  5. Awww come on. They're great! I'm guessing you probably don't smoke A group of guys and I went to see their live show. Afterwards our friends said they had invited them for beers to some shitty bar. I didn't believe they'd show so went to bed. Tim and the whole entire cast of the show (besides Eric) went out and sang karaoke and tossed back a few. They're pretty nice people.
  6. Yeah, you'd be surprised how many stingy people are in collections. Just sayin' Livin poor in college and learning to make $20 last all week is good for you... but having that credit card to buy your friends pizza or take out your frosh girlfriend is an easy way to end up on the dark road to debtordom.
  7. Well, the important thing to know is how they calculate interest. That's usually this complex thing called "the average daily balance method." They only make money from you if you make minimum payments, or basically anything less than the BIF (balance in full). Your first card is probably going to have a huge interest rate, like 20%. This won't matter if you pay it off. The only thing to avoid is a monthly fee, they may also very likely try and charge you that, for your first card. If you want my advice (and on this subject I'm actually quite knowledgable) skip all the on-campus promotions with the free t-shirts and candybars etc (hell, I even went to a keg party and had to fill out a CC app!) and go with a secured card. For $600 as a deposit you can try to get a credit card that appears as an unsecured card (ask about this). Basically, its like saying on your credit you took out a loan but leaving out the collateral. This is what immigrants use here, that are fresh citizens etc. That way you can't screw up and get a bad trade if you miss payments and build credit very easily. That's the way to go. Don't fall into the trap. 'They' want you to come out of college in debt, with a degree and then pay with your new income.
  8. Nothing wrong with saving a bit of money when the economy sucks... but really? The faceplate cover is your justification for recommending this? Haha, the review above it: Reviewed By: on 6/27/2009 Rating + 1 Tech Level Tech Level: high - Ownership: 1 month to 1 year This user purchased this item from Newegg Pros: NONE !!! Cons: Cheap unit! Manual tuning, lousy reception and very poor quality. Won't play cd's, sounds better when it is turned off. Get what you pay for! Very funny.
  9. Bass? Not sure about that specifically, but I just ordered one of these on ebay and I'm very excited. ROY G BIV!!!
  10. Best of luck. I always see a few stereos blasting in strange parts of other countries and I wonder how the stuff got there.
  11. Novel idea. Those folks over in Biwabik must have been jealous.
  12. I feel your pain. I'd love to help, but I'm honestly never to be trusted
  13. Wait what? what season is this now? A new one is out!! Man, I'm terrible with cars & am not really a full "car lover" but I love this show.
  14. Man, I miss this game. Just returned it to Gamefly and really want it back. As suspected, everything got old fast except for Vs. Always a good time. After a few beers its hilarious, some crazy people on there.
  15. I thought it said "best fight" so I'll admit some disappointment.
  16. I am just obsessed with the Tigra girl's intonation. The way she says "Bunnee Dee" sounds sort of like that Nelly Furtado, hearing impaired, Portuguese accent.
  17. Couldn't find it on youtube embed due to copyright issues. I never heard this song when it was out, but heard it on Sirius: http://www.videosift.com/video/LTrimm-We-l...rs-that-go-boom
  18. And I just now realize I should have gone back and played Fallout 3 again.. dang.
  19. When I was a child I remember being in the drivethrough @ McDonald's with my mom and sister and a fish came tumbling out from under the driver seat (in front of me). I was trying to get their attention "Mom, Momma, Mom! There's a fish back here." And they were telling me to stfu until they smelled it. Seems my sister's ex or someone from her school had put a huge northern pike under the seat days ago. Not an install one, but I believe that car was the first car I did my own install work on, so it reminded me of that.
  20. Yeah, it went off @ 1208 and came back not a second before midgnight PST. why do they need a whole 24 hours? Tried to transfer all my licenses (refurbs should automatically transfer on the website) and it was slow. Now it wants me to rebuy all these downloads. I guess I'm going to have to sit on hold with them again.
  21. No. I swear last time they said just to redownload them all. Did only that. Oh well, this is all for such a worthy cause, I mean, soon we can facebook on our Xbox o_O
  22. So the latest it will be back on is midnight California time. Dang, its not even letting me play my arcade games because I'm on my 3rd Xbox. I thought I redownloaded all those licenses.. apparently for nothing.
  23. I played some Vehicle and BR based variations this weekend that were great. 6 on 6 (or was it 5 on 5? I was drunk) is fantastic. I like big team, but that is fine. Anyone can add me, I'm hooked again too. GT: Hydrallus
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