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Everything posted by BanginOnABudget

  1. Does anyone here love them? im running a RF power 1501.bd and a Kenwood kac-ps300t for my highs, i have a newer 1500bd aswell and the strange thing is, i prefer the older 1501. does anyone else here like, or run oldschool amps?
  2. i'd rather wire mids and highs at 8 ohms than 2 ohms but thats just the way i look at it. if you want to be loud go ahead. if you want quality, thats a whole other story. but, what kind of deck do you have? just wondering?
  3. if you want good audio reproduction get an old video ipod, or get a headphone amp for your signal, OR get a walkman, not the loudest, but the EQ dosent distort very much, unlike most everything else i have worked with.
  4. what are you talking about? i had an 11 cube with 2 15"s in my 03, slightly over window line.
  5. looking to buy SA-12, if you are selling, drop a pic or 2 and a price you want, we will go from there.
  6. im pretty sure they only sell its in 4x8 sheets but they might sell it in a 4x4 sheet if you ask. i'd say buy a whole sheet and double up the wheel cover, when you drill the masonite put a 2x4 under the spot you're drilling so you dont blow the back out. its hella strong when you have it put together right, it seems flimsy in the 4x8 sheet but when you cut it up and it looses mass, it gets hella strong.
  7. hahaa. they have it at lowes and home depot, but idk about anywhere else.
  8. Have any of you ever worked with masonite? its what they make clipboards out of, its strong as hell, its like $8 for a 4x8 sheet, its strong as all getout, i used it to make my door panels and a false floor in my jeep, and was only out $10, but its not all heaven, unless you have a serious staplegun good luck getting anything through it, i had to pre-drill holes and then staple it when i was doing my doors, by the way, you want the solid sheets tho, not the perferated sheets, its a LOT stronger. just a head up for any of you need something thin and strong to make something out of. Edit: also good for speaker countersink baffles.
  9. i have a jeep cherokee man, i have mine strapped ontop in a basket, idk what you're talking about.
  10. went into the clip zone, all it took was turning the bass up on the h/u, they are horrible subs, yet alot better than some. now gotta wait for my CC to get here to order up the SA-12's.
  11. but yeah, someone re-did the electrical for some reason, my alt + and batt - to engine are like 12ga wire. i cant even begin to guess why. all i know is i charged the batts up and went cruisin, decided to crank it at a light (i dont usually do that) and this lady gave me the finger, i know i can be loud, and when the amp pulls my voltage drops to like 11v or lower, its that bad. bribe your neighbor, steal his cat. $50 reward.
  12. the wiring on the alt and batt are junk, i just ordered some knu 0ga so it should be night and day difference, i've heard the jeep on 14.5v and its easily 4x louder than it was in this video. will be another vid when the big 3 is done.
  13. everything up to now has been just little weekend projects, nothing serious by any means, 2 ma 15"s in a horrible box, 2 chambers 4.3cuft@32hz, rockford 1500 at 1.23 ohms, my electrical is horrible, but heres what i have so far. let me know what you think. Edit: head unit was 1/3 of the way up, far from the clipping point, i just didnt want the amp to go into protection again. bass on the h/u is on 0/8 and sub level on 2/8.
  14. make sure to use a liquid or solid claybar on it before wax and some good car wash. will look pristine if you use a spray detailer after waxing. turtlewax would be best for that, ice line for wash and claybar tho.
  15. i wouldnt buy mazda unless it has a wankel. u love rebuilding my engine every 10 miles :3
  16. 3000lb jeep or 4000lb blazer... hmmmmm.... no but seriously, i need some help bros, i want to order whatever i need today. any help would be appreciated. heading out to find my voltage. wait, im doing a big 3 soon, my resting voltage is like 13.8, should i wait till then, because i dont want voltage rise to throw off my numbers for the LED's. you can lock this thread mods, im going to order my LED's and wire, then get the resistors when all i said and done.
  17. hey guys, need some resistor help. im going to be re-doing the dash lights in my blazer, i dont like the factory low intensity bulbs, here are the LED's i want to work with. http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=070-540 i have never worked with resistors. i know the LED is rated a 4vDc max, so im going to run 3.5vDc, do i need to find the voltage output of the wires before i can get into what kind of resistors i will need? sorry, i really havent done anything like this before. Edit: holy shit did i say blazer? i meant jeep. maybe i shouldnt get on smd right as i wake up.
  18. it was fucking horrible. i had to work on my cousins suburban all night because his running lights and tail lights stopped working, i had to end up re-wiring the tail lights and rebuilding the light switch.good thing its friday tho! i can head to walmart about 10pm and laugh at some ricers. i snapped the axelshafts in the front of my cherokee yesterday -.- in the meantime i dampened the doors and hatch, but for the big cherokee with the 305, might still bring it out. on my 18th birthday my gf has (plans).... what the fuck. its my birthday bitch didnt show up, didnt even wish me happy birthday. i got some jeans and about $200, not what i expected to get, but alot better than nothing. so im almost convinced that my girl is cheating on me, i didnt get to party on my most important birthday, i have a fuck up jeep, this week is going super already.
  19. keith black pistons, custom cam, forged long stroke crank, edelbrock efi(1200cfm) on the wheel dyno we got 743hp and 634ft.lbs of torque on our strip setting, we usually run the street setting with lower compression, and we HAVE to use 92+ octane with the strip tune so i dont like paying for that exspenve as fuck race gas, i stick to 91 octane from the pump and use the 400hp setup for normal driving, but i have a little 2 door cherokee aswell that i like to run, stock motor and trans, the 305 has a th700r4, dont rag on me for using an auto, i have health problems and if something happened to me i wanted something that my mom could drive as well if she had to. i feel like im typing like a child, im kind of fucked up right now, and not the good kind. i was riding with my girl cause i was bored and i knew a hill was coming up so i was gonna throw the trans in neutral, well, i forgot the reverse and neutral lights are opasite on my floor shift from the trans, i threw it in reverse at 70, holy fucking shit it scared me lol. but yeah, that was the light little fucker, the 2 door cherokee, not the 400/750hp cherokee, i would have shit myself if i did it in that. i was on my way to do a hair trick vid with her in a deserted field i love, but i think we're gonna have to take a rainceck on that for today. i feel like i just wrote a book. EDIT: i think i fucked up my front end when i did that because i had the front driveshafts engaged. shit.
  20. of what? i have another jeep im about to make a beat video for, just a shitty 15" in it, the 71 buick is covered for the colder months and the turbo swapped jeep is at my grandfathers garage, about an hour away, i use the 4x4 in it when i launch, its like a fuckin gtr (i have been in a 2011 gtr) but from 70+ the gtr shits on it, of course.
  21. fuck that, that glitter (AKA stripperdust) is like impossible to get off. its like the herpes of craft supplies. nope. i was thinking of finally taking my jeep out (garrett t60 t3/t4 on a chevy 305) and maybe showing the local ricers whats up, but i dont want to snap my driveshaft or something, idk if the factory shaft can handle 700hp.
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