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Everything posted by z_ro

  1. well i don't think the dude asked a question so saying something that involves sighs and a NO... well it sounds pretty negative to me... Anyway... Nice Man. Like i said in the last thread i'm not a big fan of blades... But i think it's gonna look nice Props man.
  2. not a prob. If you have any probs, chime right back in and we can see if someone can help
  3. Its a .GIF You can search Google for .gifs and see what you come up with... and then there are programs that you can use to make them... There is a thread for a couple of people who make them.
  4. ARe you talking about your Avatar? Like the .GIF in mine?
  5. there was actually a thread about this a couple of months ago maybe less that showed the addiction... SOOOO many people play it... including myself lol
  6. Yeah Sundown is a company i'm gonna stay with for a LONG TIME. Customer service seems to be the best i've seen in a long time. BTW I LOVE THIS V2! THING IS BEASTLY!
  7. This is REALLY good advice. My wife and I fight EVERY day, most of the time over stupid meaningless shit... But when i see her with our son and both of them are smiling and laughing i remember everything is perfect... so i try to swallow my pride and apologize. I am a jerk and she knows this but she deals with it, and i love that about her. There is nothing better then finding THE ONE and starting the perfect life together. Cherish her every day and always remind her that you will always love her. Don't let bullshit fights get the best of you.
  8. man it sucks having to watch this deal go by... I'll be hitting you up soon enough regardless Nathan. Need to upgrade my shiz on a free paycheck
  9. i had the same problem lol and i think you did lol
  10. \ meh at that point its not a MCgangbang its just a chik-fil-a sandwich inside a double cheeseburger lol
  11. whats even better are the people who leave their router with the default admin/password. At which point i used to change and then make a user name and password for myself... a couple of days later they would reset their shit and leave it open again lol not lately but some people just dont realize how many people leech lol
  12. lol looks like im gonna have to stop by mcdonalds on the way home lol
  13. A McGangBang sounds FUCKING delicious right now.
  14. That things has a pretty nice sized trunk... of course the opening of the trunk is not as big and wont really allow you to much room to work with. But where there is a will there is a way...
  15. The typical problem people see is the glare off the face(which isn't too bad) It takes a little longer to load the older ipods (the ipod touch loads pretty fast for me) All in all the sound is CLEAN. I dont see a problem with it. It could have had a couple of better features and the controls are sometimes confusing, but once you get the hang of it its a BADASS deck. Thanks bro. I always worry that my shit is a little on the quiet side and then a friend comes along and is like DAMN! lol And yeah that Fort Minor song is called tools of the trade. It's a pretty sick song. The flow itself is pretty sick. yeah i was joking around with the other dude Props sundownz... Hell of a product you got here. I'm EXTREMELY happy with it.
  16. Thanks Bro... its a slow process for me, and i'm upgrading something about every month or so .. usually small stuff, but it gets done regardless. oh yeah, This amp is sexy as fuck! and i love my d3's but i got to get something that can handle a little more powa! lol I appreciate the comments guys. To me it feels rigged up... but i guess i have seen worse lol.
  17. May not be too impressive to most of yall but it made me smile (freshly uploaded so the quality will get better in a while)
  18. as far as i know this is the second version of the amp... and if its not i think i'd be pretty pissed that i pre-ordered a discontinued amp lol
  19. Ok i put it in and am pretty DAMN satisfied with it. Of course it looks a little rigged but... i did what i could for the time being lol The two pieces of wood are to brace the amp to the back of the seat and to let it breathe under it...
  20. no he asked if anyone else listened to it... Your post was straight forward without being rude. The " NO ... FAIL" and the "hell to the naw" comments are rude... sorry if you thought i was directing it to every one who posted.
  21. yeah those diamonds are about ready to come out.. i love em but i got to upgrade! This sundown will be a GIGANTIC step from my kenwood KAC-9104D lol
  22. right now just a couple of Diamond D3's (gonna be setting the gains a little low ) ... but soon two DC level 3 12's
  23. SOOOOOO SEXY!!!! Gonna have to install tomorrow cause its pretty cold and dark out and i'm getting anxious now.. lol I CANT WAIT!!!!
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