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Status Updates posted by SQMonte

  1. Trying to figure out what dubs to order, decisions, decisions...

  2. Went and picked up my DD-1 from Meades shop, got a demo of the towers and Tahoe....got my wig peeled back, literally! I have a feeling it's gonna be on a youtube video pretty soon, LoL

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      You wear a wig??? So young, what a shame... lol. I'll get a demo from the man one day. Until then, I'll be jealous of you man!

    2. matt14


      I went and got a demo of the tahoe when i got my DD1. Insane!

    3. SQMonte


      Man, that Tahoe is no joke! Wait till you see the video, lol.

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