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Status Updates posted by claytonedberg

  1. Happy thanksgiving I'm thankfull for my wonderfull wife and my son and daugter to be and the rest if my family and freinds

  2. Not one thing its another I'm about to give up

  3. Ben rear ended twice this year in pretty much the same spot just on the other side of the intersection in my bus

  4. here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about Minnesotans: If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you may live in Minnesota. ... If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you may live in Minnesota ... If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you may live in Minnesota ... If you measure distance in hou...rs, you may live in Minnesota .... If you know several people who have hit a deer more than on...

  5. Just had a scary ride damn dear 65 mph on hwy 63 ended up facing the other way and the damn dear just watched the but we are all OK stacey panicked a ill bit mason didn't care prob liked the ride

  6. Good start to today 430 am big can of monster explodes, in my face in my car yay what a good start

  7. Nothen I do is good enuff I gess

    1. nCOMP1337


      at the least not your spelling, j/k

  8. Pick a movie title and add in you're pants and the end happy gilmore in my pants lol

  9. my wife is scared of a damn fire fly

  10. Quote So Michael Vick Killed Dogs Went To Prison. Plaxico Burress Shoots Himself In The Leg Goes To Prision. This Casey Anthony Girl Murders Her Child & Walks ?

  11. My son has his first tooth coming in and he's not even 4 months old yet

  12. bord grandma has my son its weird with out him here

  13. 167,129.20 is masons grand total

  14. Just wana say happy anavirsity to my wonderfull wife we've Ben together 8 years married 3 with and have started a wonderfull family love you

  15. dose not feel good hole body hurts back is the worst dunno if its just stress or what

  16. hey i wana start my first build on my 06 focas i wana do prob 2 12s and mabey run 2000 watts and a fiberglass box never done fiberglass before i wana keep it clean and simple its my everyday driver if you have any ideas for me msg me or commet thanks

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