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Everything posted by scratchy

  1. a close pod filter is basically a CAI with a filter that is enclosed
  2. haha, I know what you feel like, when I was working on my install, i didnt wear gloves, but i figured it wouldnt be that bad, until I decided to take a piss, damn was that one horrible night
  3. why should he enter? but hes only allowed to win once, haha. Remember, im talkin bout overall system, substage, front stage, the whole kaboodle, amps wiring, installation and so on
  4. why dont we have sumthin like that. Not just loudest, but best system, installation looks or whatever
  5. ;D i organised with a local to let me use his equipment, so that should be hapening soon
  6. we had heavy rain for christmas too, but then again, we do every year
  7. what games did ya get. I need to start planning on which games I gotta buy with my 360
  8. my ebrake also broke on me, but the little clip that holds the lever up snapped clean off, they had to replace the whole unit :ranting2:
  9. im still waitin to have dinner, its only 11 am now, so quite awhile to wiat still
  10. i dont really care what I get either at x-mas, just interesting to see what everybody gets. but I gotta say. Toca race driver 3 rocks
  11. stuffed turkey ;D we dont have thanksgiving, so we eat turkey on christmas oh yeah, and tafel lager
  12. Well I got spoilt rotten for x-mas. My girl bought me a wicked steering wheel, 2 autogauge digital 2" gauges(volt and rpm) and toca race driver 3 for pc. My mom and pops gave me cash, a crap load of cell phone airtime and my pops wrote me a cheque for an xbox 360 and a game and I bought myself a steering wheel for my pc. Man oh man am I gonna enjoy myself. What did you guys get?
  13. yeah man. That has got to be the most half arsed apology I have ever seen. Do it properlly or dont do it at all.
  14. well it is singapore after all. I read it on some hyundai forum awhile ago
  15. my old 160gig used to sound like a cat meowing every 30 mins or so. Later I found out that the breather hole was stuffed with dust and every now and then the air would break through the layer of dust and make that sound, weird :shiftyph34r:
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