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Everything posted by inm

  1. Finally, someone who agrees. Exactly what I was saying, not LIKELY, but POSSIBLE.
  2. And i saw my kid pop out my girls vag. tell me that was created in my mind lol God created you and manufactured those memories yesterday. see what I did there?
  3. If it is your own video, go to My Account, My Videos. Then next to Edit, Insight, there's a little arrow. Click that, then Download MP4. If it ISN'T your video, use the above methods.
  4. They also dated a few roadkill cats to be a few million years old. Carbon-dating is flawed as a mother fucker. It's also only as accurate as the assumption that Carbon14 has a half life of ~5000 years. They've only been studying C14 for a little over 50 years, there's not true evidence that it's half life is ~5000 years. Only data collected over 50 years. Half lives vary over samples of the same element.
  5. Be prepared to have your mind blown and/or call me bat shit insane. How old is the world? Scientists argue that it is millions, even billions of years old. Creationists believe it to be merely thousands of years old. Here’s my take on the situation. I can only be certain the world is 17 years old, how old I am. I wasn’t here before 17 years ago, and thus have no proof that anything happened before I was born. Everything and everyone could easily have been created when I was born. The same could go for any other person. Every single person around you, could have been created, and their minds filled with false memories and wisdom, the moment you were born. If the God you believe in has the power to do anything and everything he/she/it pleases, there’s nothing that says this isn’t possible. Think about it. Even then, I could go as far as to say the world is only a day old. Everything could have been created yesterday. My thoughts, my memories of the “past” could easily have been created mere hours ago, if God decided to create me those hours ago. Time is only relevant to your own beliefs. Existence is relative. Just a little something for people to think about. Call me crazy, but if you say that God couldn’t have done this, you are denying your God’s own power. That’s too great of a thing to do, now is it? However, for those of you without religious belief have all the right in the world to call me crazy. So yeah, comment what you want to. Call me crazy, I don't care I don't personally believe this 100%, I just had the idea come through my head a while ago. Just thought I would share it with you guys.
  6. inm

    Four Loko.

    They took all the caffeine/energy drink stuff
  7. inm

    Four Loko.

    Anyone here had it? The store around me only has the Fruit Punch, Green Apple, and Lemonade. Anyone tried Blue Raspberry or Watermelon? They sound good as shit, and if they're any good, I'm gonna set out on a quest to find some.
  8. (posting because I can't remember how long I've been here and I'm too lazy to check in any other way than posting) edit- Apparently my 2 year is coming up in 3 months.
  9. No idea on the wood. I just wanted to say that's a damn clean car, and some damn fine editing.
  10. In regards to the damaged sub, I decided to search for it so others can be lazy. In the thread where the AA was tested: PCA: Link Also this: PCA: Link HHR ED: Link Also, edit/note thing: I realize this isn't really what this thread is about, but I just wanted to compile all this together somewhere for people so see.
  11. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_display-fees-outside In a purchase: Buyer pays no fee. Seller pays $.30 + 1.9% to 2.9% Percentage breakdown: $0.00 USD - $3,000.00 USD 2.9% + $0.30 USD $3,000.01 USD - $10,000.00 USD 2.5% + $0.30 USD $10,000.01 USD - $100,000.00 USD 2.2% + $0.30 USD >$100,000.00 USD 1.9% + $0.30 USD
  12. Fees only apply to the person receiving the payment.
  13. Honestly, I'd still recommend you run the RCA's away from the power wire... Or try new RCA's.
  14. Just bumping this back up to the top. Just like every other summer, we'll be back in the area for the week of July 9th through the 16th. And for personal reasons, I will no longer give out my cell number, but an email address that is linked to my phone. So yeah, let me know if anyone is in the area, or will be. As of right now, I'm not sure if I'll have my Blazer down there, or if I'm riding with my parents down there. The price of gas is a bitch...
  15. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=qBitMMvIWN0 Funny shit, hahaa (Computer friendly link: )
  16. Alright guys thanks a lot! I'll be ordering my wire soon, and updating my build log asap.
  17. Is the engine to chassis already an existing ground? Where is this usually located? Or does it differ per vehicle, just have to find it?
  18. So... I've seen two different ways of doing the Big 3. Or at least, I think I have. So, I'm confused on how the engine block ground is... One of the ways I saw said I go from the engine block to the chassis... The other said negative on battery to engine block... Which is correct? And is there an existing wire I'm replacing by doing this, or this a new connection?
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