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Everything posted by Tek

  1. alright so port down the middle/bottom of the box and than go up the back as high as I need?
  2. if I did a port right down the middle, than would the middle sub do the same thing?
  3. would the port in the original post work if it was longer and sort of rapped around the first corner?
  4. alright. it was either that or round ports and know I guess I gotta do round
  5. I'm just checking before I build. Would a port like this work or would be just make the subs sound like they are free airing?
  6. The more ports you have, the longer you need to make them to get low. Its a pain in the ass really
  7. Its only good for the floor since it wont fall off, you should still layer it up big time tho even when u do that
  8. Yeah. I originally planned to do sub up port back and I think Ima stick to it
  9. Alright cool thanks. And yeah I got an Aztek(sexiest car on the road!)
  10. When designing a subwoofer enclosure, is it better to have it sub up port back or sub back port back? Or is port front better? Thanks!
  11. you'd keep your door speakers and glass in the 8's in a different part of the door. Thats only if you put the woofer in the door though. There is other options. I think kick panels look the cleanest but its all preference.
  12. yessir. I should have included how people use the smaller woofers for midbass. Tried to make it simple lol
  13. Tek

    1000W @ 2 Ohms?

    I can live with that as long as it looks like a good deal.
  14. Tek

    1000W @ 2 Ohms?

    hes implying that your amp isnt putting out 1700W. For real tho, does anybody know if that amp on cl is a good deal?
  15. Tek

    1000W @ 2 Ohms?

    does this look worth it? http://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/ele/1848523285.html
  16. Tek

    1000W @ 2 Ohms?

    the ohm load is a little over 2 ohms. With the Hifonics amp, that wont bring it TOO far below 1100w right?
  17. Tek

    1000W @ 2 Ohms?

    I'm not really loyal towards any specific companies. I definitely don't wanna spend over 200 dollars. That Hifonics Brutus sounds GREAT. I don't need a GREAT amp, I need one that will work and thats affordable without being a piece of shit.
  18. Tek

    1000W @ 2 Ohms?

    Anybody know of a budget amplifier that does this (1000-1200)? I'm not lookin' to spend hundreds of dollars (but I don't want Pyle or Boss either), as I am just lookin' for something that will get the job done **EDIT** one that can do that at .67 ohms will work too!
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