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1992Chevy K1500

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Everything posted by 1992Chevy K1500

  1. I was thinking a LVL3 12", which I know I can fit. 1, 2, or 4 ohm will do, as long as it does 500 watts RMS cleanly. I'd be willing to do a LVL4 12", but it'd be a while before I could.
  2. OK, so I need another amp recommendation. I need either: An amp that will do 500 watts RMS at 1 ohm An amp that will do 500 watts RMS at 2 ohm An amp that will do 500 watts RMS at 4 ohm An amp that will do about 750-900 watts RMS at 1 ohm Or An amp that will do about 750-900 watts RMS at 4 ohm The one's in bold would be prefered. Those are my only choices because of my box design. The box will be a Tline and I don't want to risk damaging the sub by putting more then it's RMS on it (which Forevrbumpn said in his tutorial might happen). I'd prefer to keep it as cheap as possible because I haven't worked lately due to a foot injury, so I don't have much money and probably won't for a while.
  3. Re-adjust the gain. That light should not come on even when the knob is cranked to the maxx. EDIT: I posted before hitting refresh. Chewie beat me too it.
  4. Really? Dang, wish I had known earlier. I've been to Murfreesboro before. It's not too far, but I have other things to do tomorrow.
  5. Mmmmm... It's ok. You need another sub to get that thing really loud. LOL. Just kidding. Well, you do need another woofer...
  6. I used to be more like that. But now I'm not. I hate people who blame their mistakes on someone else.
  7. Might be bottoming out. IDK for sure. He meant that you fail for driving the amp to clipping. You do not want the clip light to come on at all. When it comes on, it's clipping very badly already.
  8. The only thing I don't like about the Vaio laptops. 1 little bump and BAM! Lines all over the dam place. Other than that, there dang good. My sister has one and it works just fine.
  9. Looks like he ground it to sheetmetal and the ground is overheating with all the power flowing through it. IDK, can't really see too much of it.
  10. I'm sorry if I shouldn't be asking this, but what happened?
  11. I had a 9412. One day it wouldn't turn off and killed my battery and I had to get my truck towed and get a new battery. The eject button quit working after 2 months (keep in mind, I only have 1 cd, so it only got used 2 or 3 times). It quit reading disks after 5 months. It's radio reception got worse after 1 year. The clock never worked. And it was properly installed! (by me, but it was properly installed none the less).
  12. Wait... Were you directing that comment and the OP or wl<3bass? He's already said he set the gains with an Oscope. Which means either the amps messed up, the bass knob cause the amp to clip the signal, the subs broke and caught fire, or the song's clipped. But his gains are set at an ok level.
  13. Go ahead and get the 3000, just keep the gain set super low and you should be fine.
  14. As far as I know. Ask newls1, he's got 2 of them.
  15. Get two AP3000's. It'd cheaper and They're really just two of the 1500's strapped inside of a common case. http://cgi.ebay.com/AUDIOPIPE-3000W-AMP-1-...34.c0.m14.l1262 Holy S***, they're on sale too!
  16. It's not recommended, but if you know what your doing, it's possible. I've done it, but it's one of the hardest things I've ever done.
  17. I've heard that the knob could cause them to clip. And I've also heard that some songs can cause a clip while others won't. Not sure how true that is, but I heard it somewhere. Forget where now.
  18. I believe you can click the + button at the top and a list of the gadgets available to you will come up. But I'm not sure, cause I got rid of mine when I installed Vista.
  19. Watch it again. It's good. The guy is just being a show-off, but he can do most of that stuff he shows (some parts look slightly edited, but for the most part, it's real). They won't. Wish I knew someone who would teach me parkour.
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