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Everything posted by Destram

  1. You're going to blow stuff away with the level 5s, man. I'm jealous.
  2. Crap, I want Fable 2, but I don't have my 360 yet. It'll be a couple weeks. I'll hit you up then if you still have it.
  3. Don't let them lie to you. I'm on my fourth iPhone now. I had to replace the first three because I dropped them and broke the screen. On all three of them, I had the black spots from where I dropped it.
  5. I put my 2003 Ford Focus SVT on Autotrader for like 6 or 7 months, and no one bought it. I put it on Craigslist and seriously two days later someone saw it on there and came and bought it.
  6. If you make a thread claiming something and not posting pics, don't get pissed when people don't believe you until proof is given. This is how it works.
  7. I used to do that with websites I frequent, but then my pages got covered with too many icons, so I just leave different pages open in my Safari browser for whichever site I want to see. SMD is one of them.
  8. Since he's buying the wood, I think you got a really good deal, then.
  9. Just curious..are you having to pay for all the materials to build the box as well?
  10. Sorry, I thought the other thread had been deleted so I posted here.
  11. Sooo..how much cash would you be looking to get for the 360 bundle?
  12. Are you just looking for one? I have four D4 15s I wouldn't mind letting go.
  13. I have a 2003 Xtreme Blazer. The space between the two wheel wells is about 37".
  14. Level 3? Why wouldn't you go with 4 or 4XL?
  15. I do know. I have a few sheets of MDF lying around that I plan on building a new box with. My current box is tuned to 36hz, and I know that's gotta be part of my problem. I'm gonna build a new one tuned to ~28ish hz and see what they sound like. I'm hoping I'll be happy. I would still like to upgrade to something bigger and better at some point..no time soon. I might not get 18s. I started thinking earlier that 8-12 12"s would be pretty good.
  16. I know these subs are awesome. I'm wanting to buy four of the 18s. The biggest reason I'm wanting to upgrade from my four 15s is that I'm not getting the lows that I want. Rusty says they're great speakers and I believe him. I just wanna hear from someone who has some of these. I just want the lows to be ridiculous but still be able to pick up higher bass notes as well. Also, non DC related question: If I do get four of these 18s with 2000w per sub, would I need to run dual alternators or would one 275 amp alternator be good enough?
  17. Does anyone know where I could find some competitions going on in Alabama? Audio X in Florence, AL usually holds one, but I haven't heard anything from them in awhile.
  18. Hey, I'm the guy you've been emailing. Thanks for the help. I shot you another email a few minutes ago.
  19. I found an Iraggi alternator I plan on getting. The instructions Dom sent said not to use the battery isolator I have (like someone else in this thread said). I was under the impression I had to have it so that the alternator would charge the second battery as well. If that's not the case, how do I connect the second battery to the alternator so that it will be charging? Will this hurt my alternator and overwork it?
  20. So, here's the question: Do I get a second alternator or do I just replace the one I have with a bigger one?
  21. Greg at US Amps hooked me up. I'm just gonna go ahead and finish putting the system in and save up for a new alternator. Hopefully I can buy one before this system kills my stock one.
  22. Man, that sucks. Those things are super expensive. Edit: I've spent about $2k so far, and that was spread out over several months.
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