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Everything posted by Destram

  1. No one is heckling him or trying to show off. He's just letting the guy know that he's off by saying he's going to get 4k from that amp. It's rated 4,030w @ 13.8v wired at .5 ohms. After rise and voltage drop (unless he's able to keep a steady 13.8v), it will be less than 4k. That was probably directed at the guy saying he wouldn't trust the 4XL on 4k as much as it was to the OP. Anyway, @ OP: The power you're going to be running on this sub will be fine if you know what you're doing, so don't worry about that part of it. I can't give much advice on boxes, however.
  2. Well I better not show you where the lemonade is made, sweet lemonade.
  3. I've only used Windows and played around on OS X. I use Windows 7 on my laptop, and I really like it. OS X was nice, too, but it's not worth the price you have to pay to get a Mac computer.
  4. The w7s won't take much more than 1k each. Spend $550 if you can and get the Crescendo 3k and put 1500w each. They should handle that, but I wouldn't try putting anything over that. I think the warranty is void after that much anyway. If you don't want to do that, then like was said, you're going to have a hard time finding a good amp to power them for $400 or less.
  5. He told you because you have a Level 3, and you said you didn't want to buy a Level 4. The additional airspace required from a 12 to 15 isn't a huge difference..not enough for you to make a 4 cu ft box.
  6. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/products/Incriminator-Audio-20.1.html
  7. Do this. You'll be set. I understand that it looks cool to have a ton of subs, but in your situation, you would most likely be louder and better off to do less subs and give them the right amount of air space each instead of cramming a ton in there and doing it wrong. When it comes to car audio, more isn't always better.
  8. If you're going to do 5s, I'd do one of the Crescendo amps per sub, honestly, if not more. If you're going to do 4XLs...well, I'd still do one amp per sub. The 4XLs and 5s are both capable of taking 3k each if you set your gains properly. If you're set on just the two amps, though, I'd go with the four 4XL 10s.
  9. Everyone I've told about this says I can save it to my hard drive, and all I need is my disc in the Xbox for it to recognize the game is in, and then it'll read the game off the hard drive. They say it's that way to keep people from putting it on a friend's hard drive without them buying it; you still need the disc in. My Xbox recognizes I have MW2 in. It'll take me to the main menu in the game. Once I try to go to campaign, multiplayer, etc, then it tells me the disc is unreadable.
  10. Also, I'm going to borrow a friend's copy of the game today to save it to my hard drive, and I should be able to play it with my disc again. If that works out, I'll say something here and this thread can be closed.
  11. Oh yeah, me saying I'm wanting to buy something in the want to buy forum is definitely the wrong section. How stupid of me.
  12. I think you're talking about the Mercedes van Steve kept for a few days. This guy seems to be talking about an Astro.
  13. I don't see it on the website; what's the Z v.2 rated?
  14. I bumped my 360 today while playing and it scratched up my disc, so now I can't play. I'm stuck playing Halo 3 again until I get a new one. Someone hook me up on the cheap, please?
  15. You can also talk to Bills on SMD. He was quick to talk to me last time I needed someone.
  16. In my opinion, there's more wow factor in multiple subs than there is in one or two big ones. I'd love to see multiple 12s over 2 15s or 18s.
  17. Well, I was looking at twin turbo systems, but that's like $6-7k, and I sure don't have that kind of money. I might get a Zex 50 or 75 wet shot kit. That right there would be all the power I need. Stock it's already faster than any other car I've had.
  18. Yeah, I was thinking with such a small car, it'd be easy to get loud.
  19. I'm definitely not walling it. I hate walls in my vehicles. One was too many for me. I'll try to get some pics of the trunk space later today. The previous owner had some sort of system, but looking at the wiring that's still in there, I'm going to assume it was something small and probably in a prefab box, so that probably fit.
  20. The first video I heard with it, I thought it was the car in the video with a beast cam or something. Then in the video today of him testing it, I thought someone was going balls out working in the back, like you thought.
  21. I wish I could have. I looked at a new 370z..$39k is a tad too much for me right now.
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