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Everything posted by Farmacist

  1. I'd definitely listen to him... ^^^This guy knows his shiIT with batteries
  2. well s10s are super easy to customize and they make tons of parts for them...not to mention they are VERY easy to get loud... I'd go with that....and I'm not just saying that since I have one.
  3. lmao all the corvette needs is a bed cap and a walkthru and he could be hittin some big numbers
  4. wow, never seen a car like that, and it actually looks good when its lowered and stuff....hard to believe thats a ford... now alll you have to do is get some decent audio equipment in it
  5. of course the one day where I really need to contact my guy at SS he isnt in
  6. well I'm going to inquire today about getting the 24 12's as long as I can get them for the price I'm hoping I think I'm going to go that route.
  7. yeah it would actually be a diamond / tunnel my bad, i dont know why i kept relating that to a clamshell
  8. lol why is it that every single person on this forum is saying clamshell and on CA.com they are saying the 4 18's haha you guys afraid I'm trying to challenge meade's greatness?
  9. right now I'm having a change of heart a little bit, so I want some opinions either 4 Soundstream xxx-18's in a wall.. OR 24 Soundstream SPLX-12's in a diamond?
  10. LOL! thats a little far from the truth, That was me at the show (everyone thought I was a Soundstream Rep for some reason) and I offered to Jake if he wanted to put my woofers in to see if he liked him... I tried to get back with him for the testing but I was never able to get ahold of him
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