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Everything posted by bcpballer64

  1. Hitting objects from a long long way away at least 600-700 yards up to 1200 yards? Do you think that a .338 Lapua Mag would penetrate a car? Our firing range has cars on it.
  2. Its accurate and everything? I just dont want to my money to be wasted...what about the BORS system?
  3. Hey guys I have been looking around for a good long range rifle...what do you guys think about the Barret 98B? I really like the look of it and I'm considering getting the BORS optic system with it.
  4. iyiyiyiyiy hes a faggot iyiyiyiyiy fag's wearing capris iyiyiyiyiy
  5. I would mix the protein mix 1.5x recommended strength in a blender with about 28 oz milk, 2 tablespoons peanut butter and a little chocolate syrup or coaco did that everyday for a summer lost 5% body fat and gained 30 lbs of muscle.
  6. Ya if i dont sell the audio stuff its gonna take like 6 months to pay it off...sell the audio stuff its payed off like next month, and i cant do anything until it is in my name.
  7. Well guys my prblem is solved, my car took a shit so i pulled everything out, my gpa got an 86 ponitac 6000 4 cyl for $800 (he is a snapon dealer and gets hella deals) that im buying off of him. in a little bit im going to be making a for sale post to sell all of my stuff and when the car is paid off its my name on the title, which in turn means i can do whatever the fuck i want to my car (thinking 3 18" RD sonances in a wall, but that wont be till winter)
  8. Lol id apply for a job there too . This is gonna be a hell of a build
  9. I can answer those for him (i is helping him). Ya mono and whatcha got? The more power the better all the way up to 4000 watts probably. this is for an SMD/AA 15".
  10. Wait is there a sundown dealer in laffy? Nice amps btw gonna get a big ol sundown banner?
  11. Nice lol. menards is a little cheaper on the MDF but home depot and lowes will cut it up. do you already have the subs and amps? btw what amps are they?
  12. Damn dude you are hauling ass on this...where do you buy your supplies at? menards, home depot or lowes?
  13. I'm not really spending any money on it (live with step-dad and mom, real dad bought all of it and upgrades have been selling and trading no outside cash). have an 88 buick and it keeps having all kinds of electrical problems and i thikn they think it is the audio, but i think it is the mice i see scurrie out when i come outside. Idk...i tried explaining the benefit of a h/o alt, and they said but then you have to get a bracket and i said it come with one, adnd then they said well you dont need it and i just walked away.
  14. Ok so my question is did something happen, when the people that are currently like 36-45 were teens, that would make them think that car audio is despicable and wrong? The reason i ask is because my parents seem to think that my love of bass and want of subs in my car is the devil. They refuse to listen me. I asked them nicely if i could get a h/o alt, and they flipped shit. So i just want to know if there is something that happened to that generation or what because it is friggin ridiculous. And they don't understand anything car audio and they try to tell me how to do stuff with it. So ya did something happen to that generation? And no cool story bro, post-dumping b/s...mods are getting ticked from what i saw in another thread. Im not snubbing them or being rude, ive been respectful and honest.
  15. Oh lol. How many amps is this gonna be off of? that is gonna be a huge pita to wire up
  16. Damn man that shit is nuts...if you need help with hte big sheets shoot me a PM and ill see if i can come injto town to help ya man pumped to maybe get to see this?
  17. I used to be big into speedball then sold all of my gear to pay bills. I have always wanted to go to D-Day in Oklahoma. Wish I still had my gear I would come up for this maybe. Except i just realized that im in 2-A-Days then . That looks fun as hell tho
  18. Hey man I'm thinking about one of these for my single cab truck when you get it in definitely let me know and do a good review and lots of vids.
  19. I have heard some good things on those amps. btw craig28 that avatar is freaking awesome.
  20. Sorry i didnt mean like just adults, i meant wanyone and everyone, kids, teens, adults, etc. I have friends that party and smoke weed and all kinds of stuff like that, and ya it is pretty normal nowadays to see a 17 with a beer and a cigarette and it is sad. I am 17 myself and i hate it when my friends party because i realize it is a matter of time before they are getting extracted from a crushed and mangled car. I tell them to call me no matter the time if they need a ride. Our county is a very rural county and there are huge parties out in the country every weekend, the worst part is the parents are usually with the kids. Idk i guess im just an oddball teen. but i wish something worse could be done legally instead of a slap on the wrist.
  21. bumpity bump bump bumpity bump bump look at the sale go bumpity bump bump bumpity bump bump lets get this beast sold.
  22. Damn that is some stupid shit. I hate kids that do taht kind of stuff that make everyone look down on kids and it is sad. And working on a farm i know that they had to of hit that corn head hella hard to bend one of those tines. Like at least at 45 mph if not more. It really is surprising anyone lived. Also idk if anyone else noticed it but the car was stolen. Is this close to Mt. Vernon HS? I have had a wrestling tournament there the last two years.
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