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Everything posted by CJ18

  1. I will tell you which tweeters I.ordered when I am sober and not.responding on my phone
  2. I played with the idea for awhile. But for now I can get about 16 cubes and still.see out the back window. Planning on building the box about 26-27" tall
  3. Not doing a wall this will be a standard box technically not under the window line but since im.not competing with it I can still see out the back window
  4. yup, built those this morning for ya =] I will say that I am drunk posting this but anyway I think I love you rusty you are the fucking man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. ha if only i get that lucky im getting one for me first!!!
  6. Just got the shipping confirmation for the xls. Hopefully will have them by thursday
  7. Haha just not spending more money than I.already have.
  8. Probably here. Posting in the dc forum will hopefully keep all of the comments good and positive with no brand bashing
  9. Just ordered 6 super tweeters from parts express. Now im gonna have to rebuild the center console to hold 3 sets of 6.5s , 4 super tweeters, and 3 sets of 1" tweeters.
  10. Thanks alot! Its going to be a HUGE change but it will be nice to be in a different situation. And hey Yankee Stadium has a nice short porch in right field!!
  11. Not sure yet I was just traded last friday. My best guess I will start the year in aa trenton nj
  12. Haha yeah very bad. Running 3x RMS you shouldnt have to clip the amp to get that subs moving. Me 2!!! I am in South Carolina right now with family for Thanksgiving. I will be starting when i get back home Monday. Everything I have bought for this build has been paid for by selling equipment I already had. baseball player i think? This would be correct. I was actually just traded from the Atlanta Braves organization to the New York Yankees. And before yall ask I am in the minor leagues still working my way up.
  13. Damn that is sick!!!! What grade neo magnets did you use to hold the towers down to the bottom?
  14. Haha Yeah I mean worst case I become the first to over power a SMD and find its breaking point. I will probably just cut the box I have in the truck now in half do do that test. Maybe even make it a bit smaller to help handle all of the extra power, something around 3.5-4 cubes after displacements.
  15. It should stay in one piece.....i hope....I dont ride around blasting the fuck out of my system all day like some guys do. I have found that I cant drive very well with my eyeballs shaking . I am setting my expectations low though. I will be happy playing music 50+ anything after that is just extra to make me even happier. Now once I get the 16K my expectations will go up a good bit. I am curious to see how the XLs will handle 4K each daily. Oh yeah I know I have posted this before, but if I havent sold the SMD when I get the 16K I will take out the 4 15s and really test out the SMD to find out just how much of a beating that 4" coil can take!!! I expect it to handle 8K without issue, but after that its just a crap shoot what will happen.
  16. I am out of town for Thanksgiving now but will be home Monday. I have to get my new shop set up and then will start building the box. I am only building one box for these, as I can only build the box so big. I am going to build it right and glass and resin the inside of the box also so it may take a few days from start to finish.
  17. I have finally made up my mind on going with 4 XL 15s. I had to go ahead and get them paid for before I changed my mind again!!! I have sold 1 SMD and 1 Level 5 so far and the mates to each are still for sale to help fund a new BIG amp to push the XLs to their daily limit. They should hopefully be in by the end of next week so I can get them installed and see what they will do with the Warhorse powering them. I will make sure to post plenty of build pics on the box and a few other secret projects I have in mind.
  18. I just drew up a box that will be 4.18cuft after displacements tuned to 37Hz facing in sealed from the trunk on the AQ2200 That should treat you nicely. Just make sure when you get the amp to set your gain right. Remember the gain IS NOT A POWER KNOB!!!! When we tell you that you will be fine giving a sub over what DC rates it for it is for CLEAN POWER ONLY. Clipping your sub with RMS+ power you are taking a huge risk in burning up your coils and can possibly damage your amp. Yeah I learned that the hard way with my kicker L7 last year. I always thought the gain all the way up was full power and half way half power...I know better now thanks to SMD lol Do yourself a favor and invest in a good Oscope. It will easily pay for itself by keeping you from burning up you amps and subs. I have the TPI 440 it is a bit pricey but WELL worth the money. I thought higher tuning is better for spl? I mean it is my daily but I want good numbers too. The box I got it in now is 30Hz and I just hit a 139.2db legal on 1000 watts With 1 XL 15 I wouldnt tune above 35hz. HIgher tuning does yield bigger numbers but at higher frequencies. If you want a true ground pounder your peak numbers shouldnt come higher than 40-44hz. You can get away with tuning 37-40ish if you have enough subs and power to muscle through the lows.
  19. I just drew up a box that will be 4.18cuft after displacements tuned to 37Hz facing in sealed from the trunk on the AQ2200 That should treat you nicely. Just make sure when you get the amp to set your gain right. Remember the gain IS NOT A POWER KNOB!!!! When we tell you that you will be fine giving a sub over what DC rates it for it is for CLEAN POWER ONLY. Clipping your sub with RMS+ power you are taking a huge risk in burning up your coils and can possibly damage your amp.
  20. The XLs can handle up to about 3500 RMS daily. If you plan on giving them 1500rms I would go with something around 4-4.25 cubes after displacements. I have seen corona_jeffs 4 XL 15s getting 1500 daily and they are moving alot of air but can obviously handle ALOT more power. I am going to be putting 4 XL 15s in my truck next week giving them 2500 daily in 3.5 cubes per sub after displacements. DC really under rates all of their subs. Consider this the only difference in the XL and the Level 5 is the motor. Guys are giving level 5s 5k+ daily with no problem, this is being done with CLEAN power though. So unless you plan on putting an aq3500 per sub i would go with 4-4.25 cubes per sub after displacements to allow the box to be very efficient with the power you are going to give them.
  21. It took almost 2 months for me to get my HIDs from future visions which shipped from Canada. Just be patient and I think you owe Matt an apology!
  22. Looks like they would really like 2 AQ3500s per sub!
  23. The Solo X comes with a bolt it recone assembly. The recone does not have to be glued into the sub. Here is the link to the Solo X owners manual. This will explain how it works. http://www.kicker.com/sites/default/files/2007%20SoloX%2010-12%20Sub%20g01%20Web.pdf
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