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Everything posted by lovellsz

  1. it was like a small smear, they were kickin some ass all thru out the movie, i liked their mortar for the wall. heh the persan must have liked it to, to keep sending in more motar for it.
  2. the previews for the spiderman movie looked kick ass too
  3. the blood wasnt red either it was black, at the end when he put down his shield you could see some blood on it but not as much as it should have had, hell yea if i had abs like that i would not wear a shirt either, i would flaunt them as much as possible.
  4. nick was right this movie is bad ass, i am actually debating seeing it again. and nick i have already started the sit ups and crunches. everyone in that movie had a 6 pak. But it is a bad ass movie and i recomend yall see it. Unless you dont like war, blood, guts, and gore.
  5. seems a lot of people were caught redhanded and dont want to comment. heh they are speachless like the people on dateline. heh
  6. yea i have been seeing a lot of google.com under active users lately
  7. If you strip it all the way to the bare metal and paint it with some high build primer then do lots of sanding and blcoking you should be good.
  8. you need to get back to doing your sit ups nick. heh. How long was the movie?
  9. i am going tomorrow night since i have to work tonight
  10. he said it wasnt for his car it was for a friends 88 caprice.
  11. The ps2 was out for like 6 years before they upgraded it so why would they move any faster this go around? The ps2 was like the best selling game console of all time currently. If they do upgrade it wont be quick fast and in a hurry.
  12. i was about to say if all else fails get a large ass fuse and replace them all with fuses that are like 20-30 amps over and let her fry
  13. In time microsoft will come out with something better like they did with the original xbox, it was only out for like 4 years until the 360 came out. The only thing i really like about the ps3 is it has the same controller layout as the ps2 and ps1 which makes it easier for me to play, i just dont see 600 bucks in it. IMO its overpriced.
  14. if it is missing i would change the plugs wires and change the fuel filter, also run some injector/fuel cleaner thru the gas tank. and yes it is free at autozone for them to hook it up to the lil scaner thing, but i am not sure if your year model caprice you are talking about has it, if it does you will see like a computer looking plug under the dash. In my 86 regal i had it was over by the hump for the tranny.
  15. when i am wet sanding i splash a lil water on my paper every so often to remove any dust or anything on the paper and keep on sanding, and i have it rolled on a paint stick that i have broke down to be a lil smaller to were the paint stick doesnt scratch into the paint or primer whichever i am sanding
  16. well all i can say is fray the power wire to where it touches the ground and you got the job done
  17. when i did it to mine it was a accident,and if that wont get you a new one why would the other ways get you one?
  18. when i would wet sand my car it was to make it strait. I would primer it than i would put on a guide coat, since i was using yellow primer, i used flat black as my guide coat. then i would wet sand or "block" with 400 then let it dry primer it again, block again, do this 3 times with the 400 then after that i would go up in grit i would go to 800 then 1000, then paint it. But this was with a car and not plastic pieces
  19. i had a speaker wires hit my power wire once and smoked a amp
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