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Everything posted by lovellsz

  1. i didnt clear the drivers side yet, i am going to wait till i get the other side all done before i clear it so i can do it once and be done with it. But i keep looking at the car and the more i think about it them more i want to be one color, Sunburst Orange, the Candy Tangelo Pearl that mine is only looks real cool at night heh. Or do a burnt orange, i donno yet, but i need to get in the military before i worry about the color of my car.
  2. the only spot has a lot is right on that body line, right were he hit me is a bar and i could not pop it right there. so thats where the majority of mud is, the rest is just to fill some small dings that i couldnt get out, cuz i believe it streched the metal, and it wouldnt pop out any more.
  3. not all of it, i popped out as much as possible, it has not as much as it looks i swear.
  4. i know this is a old topic but i work for fedex and when he goes to ship something fedex they have in my experince in shipping things have always asked you the address to verify it, or at least the drop off location i go to always does. I would take it to work but some secruity thing keeps me from doing that. But if it was sent to the wrong address it was cuz he wrote the wrong one down.
  5. It still has a lot of work to go but right now i am not worried about it, i have more important things i am worried about and this project can wait a lil while.
  6. Now this is what it looks like after i got backed into by a new nissan titan while i was passed out at a friends house from margaritas the night before. Now for the record, i had intended to put nos on this car before some things happened and i got screwed out of a lot of money, If you look on the pics above you will see a backend of a 69 camaro, well i had worked on 4 of them to get them ready for a muscle car auction, and i was supposed to get 1000 per car, they came in plain and lookin like shit when they arrived, or i will put it like this the guy that bought them gave 10 for em and he put about 5 in them with what would have been my labor included, so 15k per car and the cheapest one sold for 19500, and the most expensive one was 28000. But he didnt pay me upfront which was my screw up, and when it came time for me to collect i couldnt get much of anything out of him, i had spent 5 months messing with those cars and i think i manage to get a quarter of my money, and since we didnt write the deal down i kinda shot myself in the foot, so i learned a very costly lesson. And with the recent test i have taken i look back and think that money he owes me would be really nice right now. But oh well he will get his karma will get him so oh well. Also i didnt like the DOHCVtec stickers i had so i got sentsil kits that said I Vtec and i painted it on, and the same is true with the bottle fed it was painted, the only stickers on the car are the factory stickers and the few under the hood. Also the trunk lid had a Honda emblem in it and it was removed, and it had two holes where the emblem was, well we welded a small piece of metal in behind it and wiped the outside with some filler and smoothed it out. Anyways the bottle fed was a bad idea, everytime i would come to a stop light there would be a hs kid wanting to race so i decided i was going to remove everything and the car now says nothing on it, other than the H on the steering wheel and what it says on the motor. Also when all that stuff went down i lost my place to work on my car so i did it redneck style heh.
  7. Well i figured i would share some pics of my car, from when i first got it to when i painted it, and how the system progressed since i have had it. I started off with 4 10w3v2d4's that were given to me for payment on some things i listed on ebay. I was wanting to do a ported enclosure but space was a issue with all 4 of them. So i built a box for 3 of them and had them hooked to a RF 1000.1bd. Well i was at work one night and was talking to a a guy i worked with about a 200dsm i had that i sold a while back and regreted it, and he asked me what it looked like and he said you know i have a Old ass rf amp sittin in the closet at home, you wanna check it out after work, he told me it thought it was a 100x2 so i went to his house after work and he went in to get it and brought out a RF Punch 200x2 i about shit myself, and he said he didnt know it if even worked so i went to my car and pulled out the allen wrenches and opened it up since the stickers had already been broke, and the board was perfect, it didnt have a speck of dust in it, so I traded my RF 1000.1bd for it and he gave me 150 bucks. And well it wasnt 2ohm bridged stable from rf and i wasnt going to risk smokin it. So i unhooked one 10, but kept it in the box and had te other 2 hooked up. Until i could rebuild my box. I dont think i took any pics of the build for the first box so sry bought that but ou an see it was built by a amatur if you look close you will see i couldnt cut the holes lined up. So i bult the second box back during thanksgiving 05 and i took pics but i dont know what i did with them but i did take some pics when i removed the box and did some touch up work on the box to make it look better since i didnt put any filler over the screw so you could see them and it was not painted. Well enough of my talkin here is some pic. This is my other bd1000.1 i had and my ghetto amp rack go ahead and laugh.
  8. The way you have the remote wire hooked up you will have a lot of dead battery problems. Do you have a friend who has a system in their car? If so have them unhook their amp and you hook yours up to there setup and see if it works in the their car.
  9. wooo whoo fedex ground heh steve is supportin me and givin me a job heh. If i was in cali i you could use my discount which is like 70%-80% depending on which fedex i use.
  10. or i can pay you a lil at a time until i pay it off. it would take me 2 weeks or so to pay it off fully, via paypal or i could send a money order, or check and you could holdem till they clear or w/e
  11. you sure you dont want to do that trade i meantioned? And after doin some thinkin i might trade one of those amps you were asking about. Just let me know.
  12. i had a friend who had two of those memphis subs his were 15's in a 97 Caddy and they did pretty good.
  13. yea i was wondering where he has been, i hadnt seen any post from him in a while. But thats kinda what i figured he was doing since i knew he was movin.
  14. hey it works doesnt it? Then its all good, once you paint it and and get it all finished you wont be able to tell its mdf except for maybe the top.
  15. yea i saw that on the today show this mornin before i went to bed. They said 8 of the people killed were students at the school that was hit. Speakin of pokey were has he been? I haven't seen any post from him in like 2 weeks.
  16. My phone gets taken away from me when i get drunk now after some of my calls. The week before Christmas 05 i was drunk the whole week, me and vodka were buddies after going thru like 6 bottles that week (750ml) and i was calling girls i had met in different states telling them about how big their tits were. And i went for a walk at like 3 in the mornin in my old neighborhood, and they had just added like 200 more houses to the back( i have never been back in that part of the neighborhood) and of course the builder made them all look the same so i got lost and was calling people telling them i was lost, and cold since i had left the house in shorts flip flops and a t shirt in 30 degree weather. After i sobered up the next week i felt like hell, and i have not drank vodka in excess since.
  17. turned out good. once you get it to match the desk it will look like it came like that.
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