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Everything posted by RickyFriery97

  1. Very nice! I just got a iPad 2 also and I'm puttin it in the dash of my Tahoe
  2. Also, frozen food and the microwave will be your best friend lol I'm stocked with totinos pizzas and 79c chicken pot pies lol
  3. ^ so true, I just moved into my first apartment a month ago Always make sure you have rent and bill money put away before buying any toys. And if your gunna have a room mate, pick wisely
  4. Just noticed I posted this in the video game section, if a mod sees this can you move it to the computer section? Thanks!
  5. I new this was gunna eventually be in my dash that's why I got the 3G Plus at $25 a month, and no contract at all. I thought it was worth it
  6. I've already held it up to my dash like 10 times, it will be in the dash eventually That was one of the first apps I downloaded lol
  7. This works for me too, then I shower as soon as I get up and eat some greasy food
  8. Just got back from the apple store, walked out with a brand new 64g 3G iPad 2. I don't know why I waited so long to get one, they are soo badass! And incredidbly easy to use Who else here uses one? Anything I should know or must have apps?
  9. I thought it was 14.9 witch is why I said that, but there's the answer from the man him self
  10. Yea I did see you were runnin around 5 per sub, I think I'll build it around 12 net, that way I can test it bigger then take up some space and see what they like more
  11. I won't be upgrading power, I'm thinking anything below 6 cubes net per sub is too small. It's in the cargo area of my Tahoe so plenty of room to play with I have one in 6.5 net with I think 18 square inches of port per cube and it sounds awesome, just starts to get smelly on constant low songs
  12. ok so i found me another M1 XL 18" that i will be buying. Power is a RF T2500BDCP @ 1 ohm this is a daily groundpounder, looking to kill some lows, pull some god hairtricks, and just beat my Tahoe Looking for suggestions on net volume, and what kinda port area would work good for what im looking for. Will most likely be using a simple slot port ill post up some max dimensions in a few, thanks in advance for any help. Merry Christmas!
  13. Need more alt power for sure What kind of batts and how many Pretty sure kicker recommends atleast two alts to run just ONE warhorse..
  14. Change of plans on the future system, it will most likely be two M2 Lvl 4 18s on a DC 3.5k, any maybe eventually 4 on two 3.5ks or 1 7.5k Needs some maintenon also, tranny needs some work and will be replacing all the filters and fluids
  15. Ran my AQ2200D @ .5 daily, with the electrical to back it up it will handle it
  16. Look into audio technix, damn good stuff
  17. this ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ you renting it out for the build or own it? you got a good start, in for more updates you still have the blades? thanks man! we own it, its the property next to our company and it has a office building in the front. we arent using the warehouse for anything yet so my dad said i can use it for whatever and yea i still got em, once i actually start driving it they will go back on
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