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Lost Legacy

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Everything posted by Lost Legacy

  1. well that makes three of us so far. someone should put us out of our misery
  2. i know the feeling of jumping like a mad man everytime because i have the exact same problem. Would also like to know how to solve this problem
  3. Not trying to thread jack. Have a relevant question. With the power light green but no output problem. Can that be related to power supply or is it purely an internal problem?
  4. let me count...... .... ...Three two were slow blowers, just too small a fuse for current draw and just went after like an hour other one was because of amp being fckd, instant blow think thats all
  5. FRESH MEAT!! IMA RAPE YOUR ASS!!! Same as others welcome. And hey you may not be allowed VS threads but now you know and you have learnt, so no harm done i'm sure
  6. Thats actually really cool. My night goes like the unhighlighted version though haha
  7. haha well thats alright then....i think you can upload a picture via bluetooth...otherwise im trying to do an impossible feat...that could end badly
  8. that doesn't help haha, i can't find the access screen or what ever you might call it
  9. gawd, i can't work out how to get picture off my phone via bluetooth
  10. Glad you think 3am is algood, my mate is smashed as. i laughed at his drunken ass
  11. haha okay, there a few big cuts down my arm, ill take a few pictures. i was drinking vodka with sprite, and woodstock, and then a little bit of home brewed cider on the side (that shit is strong)
  12. i'll try but don't think i can operate a camera at the moment, can barely maanage a keyboard
  13. nah its almost 3am here. so that an alright time dont you think?
  14. ahhhh come on you americans, join me, one of my subs blew today at a compteition...want someone to talk too
  15. what you drunk asses up to? i'm bleeding and don't know why...
  16. Finishing off my latest install, think this one is a keeper :)

  17. This is correct, not needed to do all the rca preouts, on most head units they all share the common ground. Wow i took aggggeeeesssss to get back on here. Thanks for the info it will help with any future problems. Think the main problem was my Pre-amp/Equilizer was fcked. Got that sent away a month or so back and have a brand new one now. Haven't re installed it yet as im doing a system make over, and am going to install everything at once and do a proper build log, but hopefully that will have been the cause of the whine, if not ill try what you said. Also i always ground to the main part of the vehicle with a clean connection and a bolt nice and tight
  18. just the hu should be fine, okay thanks. ill get on to that tomorrow when its light and i can see
  19. alright ill give that a try. do i have to do it on the back of both HU and Pre-amp though?
  20. So after reading through many topic posts and trying to solve my problem i am still getting static and alternator whine through my speakers. its incredibly annoying as i prefer clean crisp music, as im sure everyone of you guys do. So the things i have done are: -move RCA cables away from power cables. -re-ground both head unit and pre amp/equilizer -checked all the wires for faults. thats the things that i have come across that others have done to solve the problem but it still hasn't worked. Any ideas on how else i could solve the problem??? appreciate any help
  21. im so going to play this on the way to school haha. Edit: second thought i wont actually...
  22. jed mildon from NZ has performed the first triple backflip on a bmx! this guy is nuts
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