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Everything posted by 99GPGTX

  1. Im still trying to figure out how to get my vid clip to my email, buttt.. Occasionally, ususally after i turn the car on, go somewhere, come out within a hour or so. My car completely runs like crap. It did this a couple months ago and we replaced the spark plugs/wires and ran fuel injector cleaner. That got rid of the (rumble). Just recently it has been running pretty bad. Its def. audible, but worst when i step on the gas. The car rumbles and shakes and runs like its towing a jet liner. any idea on what to do? Iv taken it in to a dealer and we did the plugs and wires and injector cleaner. Could that have just been a quick fix for something worst?
  2. i may check this out tonight right now im on, walking dead, boardwalk empire, Once Upon a time (no homo), finished breaking bad, and waiting for Dexter season 6
  3. Im going to paint my winter wheels ASA Js5 18's I just trying to get some opinions on what color/colors. Im thinking right now just do a gloss black. Was thinking about black with a blue lip (to match my calipers) im open to anything though. I should be doing them this weekend sometime so i need to figure out exactly what i want to do. IF SOMEONE WITH SOME PHOTOSHOPPING SKILLS WANTS TO DO SOME DIFFERENT COLORS FOR ME THAT WOULD BE NICE (refer to google and cardomain link) Pix appreciated Im at work right now so i cant get on my photobucket...here are some that popped of on google images of my car. They are from when i first got my car https://www.google.com/search?q=ASA+js5&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1437&bih=690&sei=%20YpO5TuvjNJGjsQKGk9zYCA#um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=ASA+js5+grand+prix+gtx&pbx=1&oq=ASA+js5+grand+prix+gtx&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=7154l12736l0l13000l21l21l4l16l20l0l254l254l2-1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=721a6f89a3d4c9f3&biw=1437&bih=690 forgot i had this... http://www.cardomain.com/ride/721313/1999-pontiac-grand-prix
  4. now im looking for a good carbon fiber case...not like the ones that look like CF but are really plastic.
  5. ya i have a couple buddies that work there. One of which is one of the head managers or whatever. So im gunna take it into him later today...POS of course this is my luck.
  6. iv tried everything i know to do lol which is most of the obvious stuff lol i know ipods have a reboot option, holding center and top button, do the laptops have an option like like?
  7. Okay...had the laptop plugged in yesterday and i had her on...worked fine. i think i unplugged her bf i went to the bar? got home and went into my room and used it and then shut the lid. got up this morning and it wont turn on. iv left it plugged in until the charging light turned from orange to green. still wont turn on, any ideas?
  8. I gotta get used to it! gunna play with it for a while
  9. So i went ahead and got the MacBook Pro 15inch TIIIITTTIESSS but idk if i like the touchpad wellll see
  10. Yup i think that is the one i picked out for my mom?
  11. Damn that a long battery life.. im looking for one with a 15in screen as well. I think im liking the 15z or xps but idk...since i have my big boy job now i can maybe payment on the mac? or Dell and use the other money for audioz
  12. most likely gunna stay with a Dell or Mac, i like my brands lol Holly hell...mac pro without the $350 protection plan is $1925....FFFFfffff
  13. My current laptop has a major problem, the hinges dont really work at all lol I can open and close it but the screen, for example, cant stand on its own past 90 degrees and forward. it will just shut itself. Iv try to repair it but super clue cracked back apart. Its a Dell Inspiron 1520, im looking at the XPS 15, but also thinking about a mac?? really i just browse, download a shit ton of music, i have lots of movies, havent done much video editing or anything like that but might like to get into some music mixing/Djing. Suggestions?
  14. cheap powder coater is still gunna prolly be more than i care to spend on them lol
  15. I had these on my car till i got the new ones. So iv been using them as winter wheels but i really want to paint them black, or use some sort of other roll on/spray on application. http://www.tiretrends.com/include/get_image.php?id=2557 Any idea on what to you, and the process I need to take
  16. looks sweet, idk i have a 42" in my room and that 46 look small to me?
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