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Everything posted by parton226

  1. the hood didnt fly off but it came up folded ove the top of the cab, ripped the cowl, and put a little crease in the top of the cab. im glad it didnt fly all the way off lol
  2. So I was driving down the road about a week ago in my blazer that i'vr been working on when my hood decided to come up with the wind.. it sucked, but oh well looks like i gotta dump some more money in this thing before lol after epic fail
  3. hood flies up on my vehicle, busts my windshield FUCK THAT!!
  4. FML- fuck my life AFAICR- as far as i can remember AFAIK- as far as i know this can continue there are so many of these things
  5. that would make a very interesting cheesy zombie flick lol FTW predator would decimate all though
  6. ok, so i have some questions about the different types of bandpass enclosures. I've seen fourth and sixth orders, but can anyone tell me the other types and what the differences are? Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks.
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