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Everything posted by iceman1575

  1. In a ditch somewhere along US 60 -.- Seriously, I picked my "ex-gf" (we weren't really dating, just talking) up to talk about some shit, she got pissed for some reason and threw my camera in the creek...so yeah, $350 + all the videos I hadn't copied to my hard drive...so yeah, new camera coming up soon...Sorry guys. -.-
  2. Me & my dad just talked. He's decided to buy a set of the 12's for use at the house in the basement. Looks like he loves them just as much as I do if he wants to do something crazy like that.
  3. Read this. It makes you feel better about your life. http://damnyouautocorrect.com/10484/the-top-15-most-popular-dyac-texts-of-all-time/
  4. Same here. Listen to it without the video, and it's a fucking amazing club song. But with the video, it's kinda...interesting...haha.
  5. Was sorting through my music, found this on my Funkymix collection, then I saw the video....win?
  6. The PV215's are good for the price. Very loud & good sound quality for DJ use. Compared to what I got for the ELX's, they're nowhere in range. But for what you're using them for, they should be plenty.
  7. Never heard that one before. Never heard a better way for it to be said either. Sigged, for whatever odd reasons my head specifies.
  8. Just ordered a new power adapter & a battery for my Q430 laptop. Battery didn't even last 8 months, and either the power jack or power adapter is failing on me. If I move the power plug even slightly out of place, the laptop shuts off... Getting the adapter from PWR+ on Amazon, and the battery from Genesis Battery as well on Amazon, for just around $70 shipped. I dunno if my constant use of the battery is what caused it to die, but once I get the new one, I'll be replacing the cells in this one, hopefully... Anyone else had a bad experience with Samsung laptops? I LOVE mine, but this power issue is killing me. I will say one thing, these laptops are tough. Been repeatedly dropped off 3-4 feet to the floor numerous times on accident, and still takes a beating.
  9. Right now, I don't have any benefits. Unsure of what the specifics are, but I'm going to talk to someone tomorrow more about it. Plus, computers are more of my niche. I'm always willing to help people out as well, plus it's a guaranteed paycheck.
  10. Right now, I have a job with a company called Area Wide Protective. It's a traffic flagging company for utility companies, with varying hours depending on the jobs. It's alright, just involves standing for anywhere between 8-10 hours a day, 4 days a week. Local news site just put up an ad about a phone representative for DirecTV, advetised $10/hour 40-hour workweeks, which is ~$1/hour more than what I get now. What do you guys think? Think it would be worth going for? It's the best I can get for the time being.
  11. I say if you have the money, DIY with a good receiver & build some small speaker boxes.
  12. Well, this wedding isn't exactly exciting (mainly cello music is all they're wanting...) but the sound quality of these speakers is just incredible. I'm sitting at -30dB on the mixer and it's loud & full, yet quiet enough that everyone can talk over it. I don't think I've EVER heard a sound system quite like these. I DEFINITELY will be buying the subs, then another set after that. Looking at a wireless signal solution for these would make everything even better. But I think for now 2 15's & 2 18's on 3400 watts will be plenty, especially quality wise.
  13. You'll be in luck tomorrow. I actually have a wedding to DJ. It's only going to be the 115's themselves, but soon, very soon, I will have a set of subwoofers as well.
  14. Well, got them the other day, and all I can say is WOW! My dad isn't an audiophile, and even his mind was blown. He's heard every single one of my setups, from my first set of 12" speakers to my full 8000 watt system, to these, and he picks these over everything else. The speakers are actively crossed over, with most of the mids/highs on the HF driver, and the lowmid/bass through the woofer. The sound is just incredible. I've heard parts of songs that I've NEVER heard from ANY speaker I've owned, and they just keep going & going. Cranked them 'till my ears hurt, and still didn't hit the limiter. I have a wedding tomorrow to DJ, so those will be a true test.
  15. Looking for a ~~2kW at 1ohm amplifier, i.e. DC 2K, AQ2200, etc. Looking for price shipped to 41129 or 41102, whichever is cheaper. I have two AQ SDC2.5 12" baskets/magnets & an Audiopipe AP1500 to trade, or will pay cash. Let me know what you have. Thanks.
  16. Definitely will. From everything I've heard, the ELX loudspeakers dominate the JBL PRX & QSC K series speakers. I snagged mine for almost $400 off normal price, while the next speaker up in the series is almost the price of both... Same with the subs, two ELX118P's talked down in price could easily match a single JBl PRX618S-XLF and more than likely beat it. My plans by this time next year are 4 115P's & 118P's, possibly a set of 12's as well as I may try doing movie nights & such...I have a lot of hope with these speakers. Just waiting on the confirmation e-mail for my order from zZounds, and hoping to start selling my old PA today. I've had people interested in bits & pieces of it.
  17. Well, my Peavey SP218/PV215 system is great, but it's WAY too bulky for my needs. For what I need, it's okay, but I need something lightweight & easy to use. So, I'm working on selling my current gear, and purchasing a set of Electrovoice ELX115P 15" two-way powered loudspeakers, and as soon as funds become available, a set of Electrovoice ELX118P 18" subwoofers. Snagging some deals on zZounds (seen it for less ) and ordering the 115P's tomorrow when my check hits the bank. Better believe some videos & reviews will be coming.
  18. I was thinking about that, since it's already shot...May give it a go if I can figure out how to pull it apart. They are Li-Ion cells... That's what I've been doing. Just gets annoying to shut the laptop off, wait 2 minutes to unplug it, move, and plug it back in...
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