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Status Updates posted by ingramcaraudio

  1. My crx got totalled in my own damn yard lol.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Autruche


      How the fuck? That really sucks, I feel sorry for you man.

    3. BeatBox


      yup happend to us before, cars parked in the street. ban infront of car, van got hit head on. uncoming car hit so hard when it hit the van it tossed the car 4 houses down

    4. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      crx's are cheap just buy another one

  2. Sanding until i die of dust.

  3. Paul Williams won seriously lol.

  4. Trying to suck ice while chewing tobacco=fail lol.

  5. cky vids never get old.

  6. Anybody watching American underworld and just seen them steal this truck in less than a minute.

  7. Anybody watching American underworld and just seen them steal this truck in less than a minute.

  8. Field destroy woofers are the best.

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