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Everything posted by tonedeaf

  1. You can, but its a pain in the ass as they do not offer 90 degree'd aeros. You have to use a PVC elbow, reinforce it with something, then use more pipe to get the desired length. With a slot port you just cut, screw, and glue.
  2. Still has two days left and its at 120. Give it a day and it will probably be twice that since its not buy it now.
  3. Not an 'even pay for amp repair'. They should be liable for it too as it was caused by the situation that they are at fault. If it would have burnt your car down or caused a wreck due to it being on fire while you're driving the shop could probably be sued for the damages as well. They should also for SURE be liable for the battery as well as the amp. The owner might have been cool with it, but if they are going to charge people to install electrical and other things, they should be ready to pay for damages because of a shitty install. You have before and after pictures, you have everything you need. Be polite and ask them to replace it all. If they refuse, take them to court for the amp, battery, and court cost. Dont take the kinetic either...they shouldnt be able to fuck you on a nice piece of equipment and then make you downgrade because its convenient for them.
  4. Just saw the sig...bumped up to wardens and 8 20.1s? Jesus...whats your ratio on that 4th? Dwright I prolly dont have enough ported area for anything like this do I. Maybe if I cut my rear deck. What kinda car is this? (assuming a hatch)...What kind of voltage drop are you looking at with how many alts? Ever clamped the power? MOAR VIDS PLEASE. :drink40:
  5. Tuning, power, what subs, etc? This is my plan...4 15s slamming in the backseat. Looks like wardens or something from the motor structure iirc. 4th order or is it a 6th?
  6. Of course them tucking like that adds 100 sexy points. May be time for you to bag dawg.
  7. lol...you could get help for free from experienced box builders here. Dont know why people need to buy designs and shit.
  8. What happened to the lvl 6 12"? thats jeff... Shhh...I was joking...
  9. That's a no brainer I wouldn't touch stetsom or sd for daily the 9k is a beast 3 of my teamates have them ad a lot of my friends they all love the 9k Dont want to make this into a vs thread or anything but there are tons of competitors on here pulling GREAT numbers daily on sd and Stetsom. I've heard the stories about some of them and all, but when people like db don are running Stetsom and pulling 160s+ daily, I can't overlook them. That being said I am going to be running 18v as well...so Stetsom, SD, and DC are my top options. If you want to send me a 9k free of charge I'll go ahead and see it your way though. don could prolly use a boss amp and sub and burp over a 60... just sayin lol Bullshit...xplods maybe...
  10. now why would i put a 1.2k on some XLs hahaha the 1.2k is for Kaitlyns car...im adding in another 8. when the 12k goes in the Durangho for the Neos one of the 5ks thats coming out is going in the Chevy for the XLs. Yeah...I was gonna say that but I knew one lvl 2 8 couldnt take it so the next logical option is it going on the xls. Bite me. The xls should do nicely on that 5k.
  11. nor did they. Sure they did...doesnt everyone use metal 'straps' bent very shittily next to battery terminals? I mean COME ON...they did use electrical tape to protect it.
  12. Not worth it unless you're upgrading from what you have to something higher quality such as DC/AA/FI/IA, etc. Probably cooking coil...unless you mean the amp...then you could have burnt something up. Does everything still work?
  13. The extra maybe 100 watts after rise each isnt going to amount to much...wire to two ohms.
  14. Fuck very nice...on 18v or 12v? After rise and all thats impressive as fuck.
  15. For sure man...dc is definitely a strong option right now. Any clamp tests done on any of the forums yet? Like to see what they do over rated @ 18v.
  16. Well, New York is big... and uncovered.... Chose either he wants to seduce you into moving to NYC with him and then rape you or is wanting some dc gear. :jawdrop:
  17. WOAH...those dimensions seem wicked small...I don't think you can fit a 15" bud. What tuning are you wanting? I'll hop on Torres in a sec and whip something up to make sure.
  18. That's a no brainer I wouldn't touch stetsom or sd for daily the 9k is a beast 3 of my teamates have them ad a lot of my friends they all love the 9k Dont want to make this into a vs thread or anything but there are tons of competitors on here pulling GREAT numbers daily on sd and Stetsom. I've heard the stories about some of them and all, but when people like db don are running Stetsom and pulling 160s+ daily, I can't overlook them. That being said I am going to be running 18v as well...so Stetsom, SD, and DC are my top options. If you want to send me a 9k free of charge I'll go ahead and see it your way though.
  19. This for your truck? Ima guess the 1.2k is for the xls and the 9k is goof on the neos?
  20. Long ways out? Lol I can wait for the real announcement I guess. As for dc 9k...hrmmm...between dc Stetsom and sd...decisions decisions.
  21. So...will using a v1 woofer and v2 together, say the lvl 5 for example, be alright? Is anything being upgraded, or strictly changing build shops/design? Lol sorry to prod...wtb more info though.
  22. What Ryder said...they are liable for the damages I would think. That shit could kill someone.
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