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Everything posted by Winn

  1. Damn i hope my amp dont over heat i have to do the big three i guess... Damn more money LOL
  2. I have a 97 explorer and it has a 100 or 110 amp alternator i believe correct me if i am wrong. My steup would be at 1 ohm on an audioque1200 EFFICIENTLY NOT WITH TERRIBLE VOLTAGE DROP THAT WILL HEAT MY AMPS
  3. :23 "NO WAY" :rofl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCFMDLakxaY Ahh man i LOL'D :rofl:
  4. I heard and saw it... But what is the RMS at?
  5. THREAD JACK I was looking at your SIG did some guy really jack your shit stole 4 12s?
  6. I watched the last 60 laps the very last three laps were intense and how harvick only led a 1/4 lap that whole race and won at the last turn
  7. If you want a system that will make people to say wow.. with 1500 that is very possible What size subs do you want like 4 12s 2 18s 3 15s what? I could maybe help you
  8. I love Fi as much as the next guy, and have installed several Q's myself in boxes I hand built, but JL subs have to be some of the cleanest I've ever heard. The Q's pounded and were louder, but JL does make some solid subs, however overpriced they may be. In the right box, a 13w7 sounds cleaner than anything I've heard. Although I'm yet to hear an SMD, which from what I've read has got JL beat hands-down. Well i heard the W7 and it sounded the same as a Kicker CVR i heard
  9. they've been on special order for months So if i slept in a mattress full of money i could get it??
  10. I didnt even know rusty sold lvl 6s I thought only prototypes were out and only a few had them????
  11. Honestly JLs are almost a waste of money unless of course your rolling in it. They do sound good though not for the price maybe if it was cheaper. A Fi Q done right would probably sound just as good if not better for only like 260..... And a 750 watt amp and a box for that much... You almost screwed up LOL My system i am planning would be so much louder and i am only spending 500+ for it all DONT RUSH TO GET SUBS PLAN BEFORE AND RESEARCH AND RESEARCH... TRUST ME YOU WILL DO ALOT BETTER
  12. Also you could look into DC fi or DD and maybe AA And i would consider finding someone that knows what they are doing or chill and stay on here and figure it out and learn to do it yourself like i did and make sure to scope your system it will be 10x better knowing you wont mess it up
  13. is the 01 body same as the 97 body? if it is im tuned in
  14. Oh thanks not trying to bash but it was sorta giving me nightmares...
  15. Can someone explain to me what an AVI is? Im lost... Oh yea whoever clicks the link go down to the links and the last link from there says MSNBC and read the paragraph after that I started crying LOL :rofl:
  16. Finally. What happens the third and fourth time? I laughed when I opened that link Just trying to make a simple suggestion LOLZ
  17. Here visit this place before anything else http://www.daybreakservices.com/ DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT BASHING YOU JUST TRYING TO HELP
  18. Damn did orionstang criticize your work or something??????
  19. I can feel some grouch woke up on the wrong side of the bed
  20. 2000watts on p2s? 2000/3= 667.6666 So you are giving that much to 250 watt rated subs? i hope its scoped
  21. DC for battery Is your DMM autoranging or manual ranging?? I have no idea man its up at the shop i used it once to set my gains
  22. Every damn time i learn when testing my volts i use either the setting DC or AC i keep forgetting so can someone tell me what do you use to check your volts for your battery AC or DC i keep forgetting or maybe you dont use neither LOL help?
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