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Everything posted by crunkjuice1

  1. Blame it on the bass!

  2. Thanks Len Hell man just kicking it with you all on a hot ass day is cool. Believe it or not you guys motivate me to keep my eyes on my goals regardless how long it takes to get there we have a good time along the way. If you ever need help you have my number I'm a call away.
  3. Thanks again Steve for your understanding I never meant for this to go the way it did THANKS EVERYONE for what all of you have done. I will PM my address to EBW and he can go from there. Thanks again all here in SMD
  4. sup Stee Z, are you just replacing the front battery? The 3400 a good battery just make sure you get the S version it casing made for under the hood temperatures and it comes with battery posts if you ever need them.
  5. Thanks for going out of your way to help me.I'll never forget this.

  6. kind of hard to hide a fire on main page lol and everyone sure did surprise me! This place full of good people some names are familiar and some are new but regardless I hope everyone gets blessed a thousand times over.
  7. I'm taking a long shot but when you ordered you had a choice to have AVBM or not and that effects how they make the connection for the harness. Example mine came with AVBM but if I want to hook car harness directly to alt it wont. If I didn't want the AVBM then they would have made the alt to take my car plug. Like I said though I might be way off and your alt might have it how we don't know location so its best to call mechman in the morning.
  8. I don't even know where to begin or what to say I'm really at a loss for words. I really feel like poop now. I work from 5 to 10pm so I always late on the evening going on here. I just ate dinner turn on computer and see this. All I can say is thank you to everyone that is in on this. I didn't want to leave Steve wondering what the hell was wrong with me or that I was throwing a hissy fit at the wait. I explained myself enough already on that. All I can say is Damn EBW you really put me out there with this I feel embarrassed and really from the bottom of my heart thanks EVERYONE you guys have gone to far out of your way on this already. I will now crawl under a rock. THANKS EVERYONE.
  9. N8 bring on da seck C's!!!! I have the stinger and it works fine even sits in direct sunlight for days on end and still hasn't lied to me. Good luck.
  10. Hell yeah monte good to hear. I'm gonna take some water for sure though. I think I already told you I haven't done anything major to the car but its still cool to hang out and cook some coils just a little lol Sucks I work evening shift would have liked to see your new toy monte. You think you can take it??? Lan thats cool. I did the same last time around its a cool experience just hot as hell. I really don't mind just chillin out
  11. I been thinking a lot about this if I could PM you and you could see my emails sooner instead of ending up in a junk folder like I assume I would tell you there. I don't like airing my stuff out there for the whole world but to hell with it. It doesn't matter to me what anyone thinks of my actions but for you I will make an exception because I honestly respect you. First off this is really a move on my families side of things my daughter is going to 4th grade and something very close to me personally is my 3yr old son hitting pre K. major step in his world and I hear the wife coming down on me about cloths and supplies for them. I saw that I was gonna be seeing my order late so I figured I could call it off, Forgive me for being a thorn in your side . I am not in no way doubting your product in any way as we will soon see all the threads on how your product helped everyone and I'm 100% sure it would have helped me but in this world of car audio with all the hopes and wants there comes a time when reality hits home as much as I would have wanted it I have to pull for my house as much as I can. I will be looked at as a asshole over the internet on this move but I can live with it. I feel like I have gone on long enough on this post and seeing as you want everything to flow smooth I'm sorry for the inconvenience I caused you. We figured we could afford it but as it turns out we can't. If it had gone out first I would have just bit the ear chewing but I honestly bit off more than I could chew. I owe a lot to my wife for putting up with my ass on everything I aim at but this time my kids override her.... Not that its the first or the last. Take this anyway you want I know all of you are busting butt to get this out thank you again for all your efforts.congratulations on your success.
  12. i will see if i can figure out how to do the refund when i get to my shop. why do you want a refund anyway? I dont even care about the money but i just wonder why you would order something and then a few weeks later ask for a refund........before you even got it. If the product is bad, i can understand that but really this is nothing more then a waste of my time. I guess it dont matter either way. Its your money. Ill try to figure it out when i get to the shop. what is your last name? i will look it up right now. Was at work just got home . name Ortiz
  13. sorry I was out just came in. It was credit card. Billing Information: Payment Method: San Antonio, Texas, 78228 United States Debit or Credit Card Credit Card Type: Visa Credit Card Number: xxxx-9471 Processed Amount: $150.30
  14. Don't know if my email went through Mr. Meade. Refund please on Order #100000203 (placed on July 31, 2011 12:57:16 AM PDT) This was placed off your site. Thank you sorry for the inconvenience.
  15. if your alt coming with an AVBM it will look like this circled in red you will be able to use a tiny flat head screw driver to turn it to make your adjustments. watch this video thats basically what your gonna do on yours if you have to. mine out of the box was already 15v cold start out of box but every car different so you can make fine adjustments. http://youtu.be/txmBckhKHSA
  16. I'll be there look for a tiny red car with 6.5ft driver lol. I'll be there from around 12 until its done. FYI take a cooler full of water bottles What will you been in?
  17. Do it at 15.1v cold. The instructions that come with the alt tell you to run car at around 2000rpm and with lights and/or AC on to simulate a light load on the alt. that way you will set voltage output at alt correctly. If you have the cash do a 14v battery under hood and two in the back and add another if you have too. Theres nothing wrong staying at 12v either, just do like a S340 under the hood and a D3100 or two in the rear. As you can see you will spend which ever way you go. If things cost about the same I'd run the 14v for the voltage edge. XSpower safe charging levels 12v batteries 14.4v 14v batteries 16.8v 16v batteries 19.2v So you see you can set it at 15v range COLD start because as your car engine bay as well as the alt heats up the voltage will come down to safe charging levels. If you have not purchased a stinger voltage meter you should and hook it to the front battery so you can keep an eye on your voltage. Please use blue locktite on all your threads when mounting alt. good luck.
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