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Everything posted by SnowDrifter

  1. weird. Where in Seattle are you? We might be able to meet up and get this thing debugged (I'm only pushing the amp around 1/3rd of what it can do - do I am definitely contacting crown if it is distortion)
  2. Maybe I checked something wrong - but all the glue joints seemed solid and an update: I figured out it only does it at lower notes - above 40hz or so, it doesn't do it (NOT an excursion issue) Anything around the tuning point it seems to have that issue
  3. that didnt sound weird to me... maybe ur box is broken somewhere? I stood on all sides of it and not a sign of moving (even the inner port walls) Could it be the amp maybe? The AC voltage goes from ~105 down to ~60-70 when it makes the noise. I am having a hard time isolating the sub from the amp since I don't have another sub that can take the power from a crown or another amp that can push like it
  4. http://gizmodo.com/5...e-size-of-a-car If this actually comes out... My mind will be blown
  5. Free air - it makes this weird noise at all volumes which you can hear in the video. I thought it was normal but maybe not?
  6. Damn... I wish you were right, but everything looks perfect This is really difficult. Any ideas?
  7. Ported box tuned to 30hz, the noise making note is at 32 hz, and subsonic is set at 25hz if that's any help
  8. Excuse the poor quality video. I did it more so you can hear what it sounds like than to hear what is going on. It makes this sound, moves less for a fraction of a second, then goes back to playing. It does it only at certain notes (and it's not bottoming out) Ideas? It's a level 5 15 w/ reinforced surround, 2 extra medium spiders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s67rAXXYgs
  9. 12-16 sqin of port per cubic foot of box space. I like to stay within the 15-16 range for less port noise and a bit more output. How much power does your friend plan on running?
  10. It says in the manual. -0db for headunit / eqs, etc -5db for SQ on amps -10db for a mix of sq and spl for amps -15db to get the most spl I use -5 for all my amps since it has the least likelihood of clipping
  11. I normally don't swear... But WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?! A 1 year old boy?!? God Damn... There is a special place in hell set aside for people like the shooter
  12. Just got my new sub wired up (in my bedroom) and I show my Mom - she BOLTS out of the room saying she doesn't like the feeling of it LOL

  13. I haven't had experience with that wire specifically, but so far: All of my Knu wire has been excellent. I just got their 8 gauge power wire and used that for speaker wire since it's cheaper per foot
  14. I just discovered this song and I really like the punchyness of the kick drum they use. I thought I'd share
  15. Where can I get it since I'm not in the contributing member or 18+ sections? Seek and ye shall find Big Pimpin' music I thought he had a collection of zip files And thanks all for the responses! I just finished making my changes and to my surprise, the box didn't lose it's ability to slam the low notes. The sub just moves less and it's a bit less peaky. This is a great list of songs
  16. I'm going down to Hawaii over Christmas and it would be awesome if someone could give me a demo =)
  17. One of the guys over on caco suggested using a drill bit in reverse to spread the threads without grabbing it. Seemed to work pretty darn wekk. Just go slow
  18. I'm using t-nuts to mount it though. I actually need a sizeable hole
  19. Lol Guys, the surround doesn't have screw holes in it. The basket has holes, but the surround doesn't. I have the reinforced surround so trying to cut through it sux haha
  20. I need to put some screw holes in my surround for my level 5. What's the best way to do this? I tried a drill bit, but the thing just picks up the surround and chews it
  21. you should really try using this in a car, with 12v equipment. It can work with pro gear but i suspect you are not doing something right....we have yet to have a truly malfunctioning DD-1. So far, the only problem we have had, and its been only about 3 of 790 units, have been a few "overlay's" (with the buttons integrated) messing up......the other 99.5% of the issues have been user error and resolved by simply reading the instructions. even though it will work with pro equipment, we dont fully support that YET. Beside that, i have asked you few times to show us a better video of what is going on. Its still VERY unclear what you are doing. try it in the car, with equipment made for a car and report back. Will do. I am at school right now, but I should be able to do it and report back later this evening I posted a video a couple posts ago =)
  22. It makes no difference whether I use the cd in a player, cd in my laptop, the ripped cd, or even my own generated some wave. And whether it is on the speaker terminal doesn't seem to make it change either
  23. Go the route of the RE. I used to own a PA Mofo myself and it sucked haha
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