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Everything posted by hershy314

  1. I too was made fun of when I was a kid. Many problems, I had a learning disability, a heart defect that prevented me from doing a lot of the same stuff other kids could do. I was bullied all the way till I got till I think 7th or 8th grade. Some kid was teasing me bout something, forget what. I just snapped and grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall, told him to shut the f*ck up. Since then no one ever messed with me again. Course what I did was not the right thing to do. But I do agree with a few people here. If she in a way learns to roll with the punches, she will have a better time at school.
  2. Ok so as most of ya know I'm heading home soon. Problem is I don't know how soon. I was begining to think that mid October would be good, but after thinking about it and finding out the value of my car. I could possibly move sooner. Like at the end of this month. But I'm really unsure tho. I mean I know the sooner I move the better off I'll be. Still gotta figure out how to transfer from a corporate store to a franchise, that's not as easy as it sounds...trust me. Also I need to make time to head up there durring the week to talk to the managers at another job I'm wanting to transfer. I gotta be there for that one in person. I'm not asking what I should do, I just find writing things out and getting feed back help out in situations like this.
  3. You sir have much talent, I'm still having trouble making a simple box using google sketch up.
  4. This was my first distance test, sorry the quality sucks. This was also my first time editing a video, had fun doing it. I'm sure after a while I'll get better at it. Distance Test
  5. So far most people I have told that I'm moving seemed to be happy for me and all. But one person so far does not want me to leave. Really doesn't matter if she wants me to stay, I'm leaving anyways. 1. she is married to my boss at one of my jobs, 2. she is joining the airforce so really I have no reason to stay. Course I got a few more people to tell I'm leaving, but since its not till October I figure I got time.
  6. I don't even know where to start. I guess its a good thing. I will hopefully be moving home with in the next few weeks, so that means I wont be finishing my build in my Taurus. I will be selling my car with what I've got done so far. So leaves one sub up for sale. Guess I'll post it in the for sale area of SMD later tonight or tomorrow. Not sure how much I'll ask for it, since its barely been used. I have to just figure out the date I wanna move back. Thats not that easy really. I know I wanna do it whin in a few weeks like a stated before but the actual date is unknown. Found some nice apartments already so thats a good start. Now if I can get transfered I'd be set.
  7. I know prefabed is the wrong way to go, but I don't have the time or the right tools to do it myself. If I could pay someone to build me on that would be fine, but most likely can't afford that either. If anyone wants to shoot me a price quote I'll listen
  8. should be getting another pre=fabbed box next weekend. a bigger amp will soon follow
  9. In need of vacation bad

  10. So far I guess August has been a good month. I got more hours and a raise at one job. Sadly tho now I have no days off. If I'm not at one job I'm at the other, or I'm pulling a double.
  11. This recent accident was just 2 people a 24 year old girl (the one who was dui) and a 73 year old man (who later died) Now I don't know what the fine is for speeding or anything around here. I try to avoid the cops around here. So far I've done good, really don't wanna what fines are around here...got a hard enough time payin my stuff as is. If lowering the speed limit will make for safer driving then cool, I can always leave my house earlier. How ever I know that it wont lead to safer driving, hell just the other day my grandma met a car coming the oppisite direction on a one-way street. Fixing the speed limit wouldn't fix that problem....luckily this idiot didn't hit anyone head on.
  12. I don't know how many accidents we've had on Hwy 68 over the past few years, but cause of this last one they decided that lowering the limit was the best course of action. I'd like to know who this genius is. This morning proved that people can't drive the limit on the interstate. The interstates around here are just 2 lanes. Well today some idiots...yes more than one...decided that the speed limit in the passing lane was 60 mph where as the other lane was going bout the same speed. I thought for sure there was going to be a wreck.
  13. We need something like that here no joke, well except the the $3000 price...yeesh. I took drivers ed in hs plus was taught how to drive by my grandfather who raced go-karts back in the early 60's. Believe me, some of the stuff he taught me from racing has helped in daily driving around here. If I ever get the chance, I would like to go to either a stunt driving or a defensive driving course and get more training behind the wheel. Also past few days I've had this nagging feeling something bad is going to happen, don't know what. You guys ever get that feeling? Anyways yeah, people here in western Ky need to learn how to drive with their heads out of their asses and watch the damn road.
  14. That's what I'm saying changing the speed limit on this highway is not going to change a thing. Also I know a lot of people like to go 45 mph when the limit is 55, so I'm afraid that if they lower it to 45 like they want too I'll be behind a moron going 35. Oh wait that already happened and not one person thought to pass this idiot. The other day I was 6 cars behind this person going 30-35 when the speed limit was 55 and yet not one person tried passing when they could have. I wanted too, but like I said I was 6 cars back.
  15. The other day I was just thumbing through the local paper and came across an article bout an accident that happened last week. It was a two car accident on Hwy 68 between Fairdealing and Draffenville Ky, where sadly one of the drivers ended up dying. From what I read there was a car stopped waiting to make a left turn, there was another car coming up from behind it and other coming from the oppisite direction. Well the car coming up behind the stopped car swerved over into the on-coming lanes and slammed head on into the car coming the other way. The driver who swerved over was said to of been DUI. Scary thing bout this is that I drive this streatch of road daily. Now they are talking bout lowering the speed limit through out Hwy 68 and patrolling it more to lower the chance of accidents. I really doubt lowering the limit will solve the accident problem, cause it's not the speed that is the factor. The real problem is that people will pull out in front of ya even if your right at the intersection or driveway/parking lot. Sure the crash wont be as bad if ya get hit at 45 instead of 55 which is the current limit on most of Hwy 68. I know I've had a few close calls, but I know how to handle my car and avoid an accident. People just need to have common sence (if that does exsist still). There are days by the time I get to work or home I'm pissed cause some idiots decide that they own the road and it don't matter if they pull out in front of me causing me to lock my brakes up or if they cut me off on the interstate. I know I can't do anything bout it...legally anyways. No I am not going to wreck someone, I'm just gonna sit back and know that karma is a bitch. I know most of ya'll drive smart since ya got real nice rides, just wish people were like that around here.
  16. Checked the fuses when I got to work, and they checked fine. Yes I did use a DMM...mine is always in my car. Just a few minutes ago I checked the wiring from the h u back and tightened up a few loose ends. Now the amp comes on, but only one sub was playing. Can one channel go bad but not the other? I got the two subs running on each channel instead of it being bridged. How can I find out if I have a blown sub? Never mind bout the sub...got it going again...crossed wires lol.
  17. I wasn't really doubting it, just seemed unlikely since only end that got disconnected was at the amp and battery. I touched nothing at the hu but like I said I will check everything again when I get off work. I hope its something simple like a loose connection.
  18. I kinda doubt the remote wire is grounding anywhere but I'll double check after work tomorrow.
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