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Everything posted by hershy314

  1. I kinda doubt its a fuse, but hell guess anything is possible.
  2. nope, left that alone
  3. Guess no one has any idea of whats wrong
  4. Tonight I was cleaning up the wiring for my amp and subs, making it look a little nicer and more hidden. Well I went to go check everything the amp did not come on. I jiggled the remote wire and it would come on for a second but would not stay on. Do I have a $50 paper weight now or is there something else I should check?
  5. I have to agree, girls are freaking crazy. I know I always seem to find the ones who are just one step away from the funny farm. In fact I dated a girl for nearly 2 years who spent 6 months in a padded cell. Whats crazier is we are still friends to this day, we broke up over 7 years ago. Good luck man, with a chick like this...think ya gonna need it.
  6. I know I've made a couple of post recently and now here is a new one. Anyways it's looking like I'm getting more hours at one of my jobs. At least this week I am. Got 6 days at one place and 5 at the other, so going to be pulling a few doubles this week. Oh well gotta make the monies some how right. Anyways I'm thinking of doing a few upgrades. Currently my system consists of a Pioneer head unit (unsure of model) T3 T57C 5x7 coaxials, a single V3 6x9 (yes ya see that right only 1 6x9...found it in my shop) 2 12" Hifonics subs and a Pioneer GM-X362 amp. What I don't know is what I'm going to do first. So I think I'll get opinions from ya'll. Most everyone here has some sick setups so I value your opinions. I know I would like to upgrade to a pair of 15's instead of the 12's I currently got. Oh best part, I no longer care if I have room in my trunk. I can just stick groceries and shit on the back seat or back floor. I think I'm going to set a budget of around $2500 for this system, but as we all know budgets don't always stay at what we set them too. Ok so enough out of me, lets here what ya all have to say. No I'm not looking to compete or anything like that, just want something loud and can be proud to say that I built that.
  7. I ended only getting one amp, but think I got a good one. It's a Pioneer GM-X362 2ch amp. Don't know anything bout it. I'd like to use to power at least one of my subs if not both. Anyways heres a sneak peak of the amp. I'll post a few more pics tonight when I get home from work.
  8. picking up the amps around noon, hope to have one installed sunday. who knows if all goes well i might post a vid sunday night
  9. Also I'm going to have to get an amp install kit or 2, but not sure what to get. I think the Visionik is 325 watts and the Pioneer is 200 watts. Any ideas of what would work? Probally wont get around to installing these for a couple of weeks.
  10. The Visionik will run the subs or sub depends really, the pioneer will run the mids and highs, well got no rear fill yet.
  11. This friday I'm getting a pair of amps. One is a Visionik 325w one ch. amp, and a Pioneer 200w 2ch amp. Really don't know much else bout them yet, but for only $80 for the pair its a good deal. I hope to check them before I buy them to make sure they work. But I have a small problem, my head unit only has one pre-amp out put. Can I use both amps or do I need to upgrade my head unit?
  12. Thanks guys, guess it goes to show if ya think positive things will turn out good. No matter how much crap is stacked against ya
  13. The other day I was informed that I got employee of the month for the month of June. Believe me no one was more shocked than I. Got a nice little plaque, tho they spelled my last name wrong on it. Here in like 2 weeks I have a review coming up at the same place I just got employee of the month, which could lead to a raise. Last night at my 2nd job I was told by our G.M to come see him at the end of the month to discuss a possible raise there too. Hours are still low, but a raise should help nicely. Some this money will go towards the move and some will be spent on stuff for the new place. Such as fruniture and audio/video.
  14. No contract saying that I have to work for them X amount of time. But if you are scheduled your are to show up unless you have someone who can cover your shift of give them at least 2 hours notice. I gave them a months notice, only reason I can see why I didn't get these days off is cause the manager who normally does the scheduling is out of town. So they just copied down last weeks schedule. I can always try another weekend or maybe week day. I do have two jobs, but I'd actually be screwed if I dropped the one didn't give me the time off. I get bout 18 hours at each job. One I work 6 days a week for 8 an hour and the other I work 3 days for 7.25. The one that pays me 7.25 wants me to come there and leave the other, I ask why I would do that? I'd only get bout 30 hours a week at 7.25, that maybe more hours at one place but its also a pay cut. I would not take a pay cut for any reason.
  15. I just found it kinda shitty how I gave them a month notice that I wanted off those two day and didn't get it. When I've been there since March, yet my other job that I've been at for only a month gave me the two days off I requested. It really doesn't matter weather or not I wanna work, if I'm on the schedule I have to show up. I guess since I'm the only one who holds my job title at the one place, I can't take off. They know that I'm wanting to move back home, is their way of keeping me here?
  16. About a month ago I put in for time for on July 29 and 30 for my bday and cause I was I was going to St Louis to start looking for work and shit like that. At one job I got those days off, but at the other I'm working. At the job that didn't give me those days off I've worked for since March this year and the other I've only been there a month or so. Oh well, guess I could spend a few hours working making money. Not like I'm gonna have anything better to do anyways
  17. no the car was not in my name, even tho I used the most. I couldn't prove I was chipping in, this happened over 10 years ago.
  18. Guess I should give a little back story, back in 2000 I was involved in an accident. No I was not drinking or on drugs, nothing like that. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was sitting at an intersection and had a bit of a blind spot. It was one of those intersections where cross traffic does not stop, anyways I thought I was clear so went to cross and before I knew it I had a 1997 Volvo in my front end. Now the part that sucks is that I thought I had insurance on this car, I shared it with my mom and younger brother. We all had our parts to pay for the insurance. The day before I had given my mom my part of the insurance, only to find out it was never paid. So thats why I owe 9k. Now I had worked very hard to get my license back and did it in 2009. I got my license back and everything was going good. I was making payments (still do) on this accident to pay it off, I did miss a few cause of not working. All I know now is that only way I can get this taken care of is to pay the accident in full. So thats why I'm moving back home, so I don't have to worry bout my license or anything. I think they could of punished me a different way, I mean I was just starting out driving, yet people who were worse drivers than I was back then really just get a slap on wrist. And to make things worse, the accident was the day before my 20th bday and just 3 months prior to that I had open heart surgurey.
  19. My previous insurance company didn't say anything bout it, and I was with them for nearly 2 years. What gets me tho is I had no idea my license was no good till I got the letter from my new insurance company. I think the local DMV should of sent me a letter letting me know bout it. Also I want to point out, I wont be getting my license in Mo till I get this thing settled, so the car will be going up for sale.
  20. The other day I was shopping around for a lower insurance rate for my car. Well I ended up getting something that was cheaper and the same coverage taht I had previously so I bought it. Yesterday I get a letter from the new insurance company saying that they needed some papers from me. The paper they need from me is to show my drivers license has been reinstated. I had no idea my license was suspended. So rather than tryin to fix this problem, which I'm sure I know how I'm just gonna say screw it. So I'm going to make a trip back home to St Louis and try and find some work and an apartment. If there is an opening at the bdubs in the part of St Louis I'm going to I can transfer, but if not then I'm screwed on that part. I honestly think that moving is a much better idea than trying to fix this. Considering that would cost me around 9-10k.
  21. I agree ya should never hit a girl for any reason. Luckily I've never been in that situation, only had one girl smack me. I did deserve it tho, I just walked away from that fight till we both had cooled off.
  22. I thought the 'hoe was insane, now a van? This will def. be an awesome build, tuned in fosho.
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