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Status Updates posted by StreetZ

  1. Am I Team DBs material? IDK...Lets wait and see! ;-) ::DC:AQ:KNU::

    1. Hellbound Train

      Hellbound Train

      you will have to get voted in. but if you have what it takes you shouldnt have to worry.

    2. StreetZ


      Already gettin voted in XP...Should know tomorrow. Two 12" Level 4s on 1200 watts soon to be 2200...possibly.

  2. Ricky was a young boy, He had a heart of stone.Lived 9 to 5 and worked his fingers to the bone.Just barely got out of school, came from the edge of town.Fought like a switchblade so no one could take him down.He had no money, oooh no good at home.He walked the streets a soldier and he fought the world alone

  3. It's Monday...had to go to work early and had a great trip to the E.R. Now I just wanna lay my head down n enjoy being painless...until it wears off.

    1. Hellbound Train

      Hellbound Train

      take it easy bro. the team needs you.

  4. Anyone know what Building/Structure TAPS/GhostHunters is Investigating in Frankfort?

  5. Buying my Sundown SAZ-2000 this week! **Team DBs**

    1. Bakerman


      Good job making it on the team bro...where you gettin the sundown from? I just got rid of mine the other week.

  6. Now the revenue man wanted Grandaddy bad.He headed up the holler with everything he had. It's before my time but I've been told. He never came back from Copperhead Road!

    1. Hellbound Train

      Hellbound Train

      Steve Earle: Copperhead Road. One of my favorite songs of all time.

  7. AQ2200D will be ordered next week!!! []D [] []\/[] []D !

    1. Rich859


      Gonna be delayed till second week of april...

  8. Another good night. Alot of progress made on World of Warcraft. Alot of fun with my dog Marley and a loving evening with my beautiful Wife. Time to wind down and relax.

    1. MrSkippyJ


      i wasted 5 years of my life playing that damn game! lol

  9. Got a DD m2a on the way! w00t! **Team DBs**

  10. If you got Battle.Net hit me up on Real ID - [email protected] - For The Horde! -Cairne Server-

  11. Life is good when kickin it at the house jammin to Bone Thugs...

  12. My box blew out the back...Time to rebuild. lmao

  13. Bout head to Lex for the evening...Party Party Party! Yee!

  14. Rest In Peace Ben, Allen, & Nick. Tell the man i said Hello.

  15. One word....?.....Bunkin'!

  16. Team DBs ||/\|| Whoopin on the locals and now dey know whats good for em'! Yeee!

  17. We're both young, Not yet antique.

  18. Back to work today...Its gonna be a long one I can feel it now.

  19. Everyone should love their parents...We stay so busy as we grow older that we tend to forget they are growing older just as fast as we are. Cherish the happy moments. Friends and family is all you got at the end of the day.

  20. Dear Wifey(Sarah Lail), What would I do without you?How would I live my life without you?How could I motivate myself if you werent there?How does my heart still beat so fast when im around you?How could I look at every heart in every city and solely think of you?Because I'M in Pure Love. Love that cannot be topped.P.S. My Life is so laced with good things thanks to -you-!Love,Trey ZillaWolfe Lail ♥Happy Valentines Day♥

  21. Life is only valuable if you can grasp it.

  22. They got their ears to the streetz to listen to what they say. DC:AQ:5o2:

  23. You leave me no choice, Take you to Tony Montana.

  24. Hey Man....Where you live at in Ky? Im in frankfort...got 2 12" Dc Level 4s. Get back at me.

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