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Everything posted by gremlin

  1. local audio shop having a big sale....but no money... :mad: it already disappeared into a set of hid's and other stuff in my car..but oh well, i get compliments pretty much everywhere i go so its all good my money disappeared
  2. woo! i can finally show my friends your creations! stupid school firewall!
  3. but why doesnt the number correct itself? or are they still "registered" but cannot do anything anymore? going off topic...dammit
  4. true that im like 5100ish... edit: still 3000 is 3000 WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. it says all the amp info there... glad you are secluded because that box would be gone by the time i got home...
  6. alright. im plannin on doing a system for a freinds' girlfriend. pretty much im gonna pick out everything and build an set up. they give me the money and enjoy...lol its a 2004ish gmc envoy. dont want to do a wall, nothing extreme. just a daily bumper/groundpounder. i need help deciding what to go with (keep in mind we in high school and money is limited) either 4 12's or 2 15's. i have not yet measured the area to figure out box size and dimensions. they just told me today they wanted me to do it and...well...how can i decline?lol i want the set up to have no more than 1000-1500 rms watts. what do you guys suggest?
  7. "why arent you dancing? are you retarded? just kidding! are you?" im already fucking annoyed and the video hasnt even ended.
  8. when he raised the volume in the beginning i was like "is that it? noone flinching or anythin" then he turned the "cigarette lighter" an was fucking impressed...never cease to amaze meade
  9. for all these 11,314 posts....FUCK THAT all other forums not allowing you to curse...FUCK THAT
  10. every now and then they do that. you can also do that when they start to freeze up on you or slow down...
  11. now we believe you! and now i can go to sleep peacfully! . but its nice. it has potential...wish i had an avalanche or an ext. blowthrough would already be made.lol
  12. dam man first the ext and all its beauty, and now THIS?!?! chicken, you frickin lucky man! y'all inspire me! unfortunately im broke!
  13. sorry mane didnt know pic was protected FUCK THAT will get on it as soon as teacher gives us break. not being able to take break...lol FUCK THAT
  14. it may LOOK like a sleeper but it certainly dont sound like one..its hella nice though!
  15. makes me wish i was 18 and had some money so i could fly over there and see it in person!!i am so f-ing scared of that beast! but it kick ass and is killer work so far. keep it up mane, we all behind you on this one....chicken is one lucky son of a gun!
  16. that is a real good looking car! good luck saving up man! hope you love it....even if it is two years from now, they will be here sooner than youd expect
  17. ^^is it raining alot where yall are at? we have had NO rain for at least two months no rain to go screw around on quads and 4x4s...FUCK THAT
  18. haha nice. i would like to be a statistic but the good kind not the father of a teenage pregnant girl. (we the same age btw) putting both of us in statistics, hers obvious, mine being the dumbass who couldnt wait until it was appropriate and could actually afford raising a child so being a bad statistic FUCK THAT!! oh and its all cool man, we need to vent....so to finish off keeping anger among other emotions held in...FUCK THAT!!!
  19. ok i thought about what i said and decided to correct myself before i left....what you think i said isnt it. we just going to movies. i dont want to become another statistic in my school. i know there are ways of protecting yourself. oh and she not my gf. she playing hard to get...lol...and dont worry about it man, she will be yours, like its been said in another thread "shes already talking to you. hard part is done" but becoming a statistic of teenage pregnancies....not being me of course, being her...FUCK THAT!! edit: yeah i did make it seem like the other thing...sorry
  20. haha there you go....trying to make a sidekick 3 work for a girl i like and waiting on hold for 30 min just to talk to a representative just to tell me i just had to push 2 buttons and it would work?!?! FUCK THAT ...but hey. me likey whats gonna happen tonight...
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