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Everything posted by Herrie_V

  1. Nowadays manufacturers of gadget, smartphones and computers make a complete show of packing. Not only because it is nice for the consumer, but also because well video stands make those people of their new products on the so-called unboxing. Of course Apple runs first with this packing recent development, but possibly that they will become caught up with soon nevertheless very rapidly by Samsung, which makes, as it happens, just real work of the packing of their new cellphone...
  2. Lots of visitors on a great site! Congrats on it! And yes steve, the bulk mail worked perfect also overseas.
  3. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_10146_...te+P2L-212.html I love mine, slams hard in the audi
  4. Go to "My Computer" and look if there is new trash called "removable drive" or something indicated with a drive letter such as G or H
  5. LOL from the link i just posted, nobody on that site like the car haha. I think he is mad-skilled! Build that with your own hands is something to be proud of. The people on that site are carfreaks i think and dont see how much work he did. Over here, u guys know how much work it is to build something and can apreciate that. I love SMD
  6. More of it : http://www.worldcarfans.com/9080529.009/ag...-30-inch-wheels
  7. After a lot of pur/expanding foam, polyester and paint u can have THIS They sure have skills!
  8. Dear mr. admin/mod, can u change the topictitel to: Possibly To Talk About Tits Seriously With Anyone Anymore? please?
  9. If we talk about "the best there is", then dont forget Festool Really quality jigsaw, a little expensive too... Im just about going to start for myself as a carpenter, and need a lot of new tools. Festool is high on my wantinglist
  10. I cleaned my bike today after 2 years or something. I almost never drive it because i have no time for it. I almost forgot that i have it Today i woke up early and take the R6 out of the garage: It was fun again to ride and gonna do it more for sure!
  11. Thanks, that is whats it gotta be when i am ready
  12. Haha now i can see the difference between mu old Nokia N70 and my new Nokia N95 8GB cellphone
  13. We did this befor in the kitchen too, with some smaller ones.... i have pics, just a second...
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