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Supercharged DCs

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Everything posted by Supercharged DCs

  1. You shouldn't be seeing any drop at all with that setup. How are your grounds? What's the AQ wired to?
  2. Definitely man, think I'ma start saving now. Should have the basic gun and a few custom parts in a month or so Will also look into the other guns mentioned too, but I've been looking around and the a5 seems the most appealing to me lol!
  3. For $250 or so, you can find a good 1k+ amplifier man. How much exactly are you looking to pay for the Soundstream? Hell, for $340 you can get a Crecendo BC2000, which is rated 2250@1ohm on 13.8v IIRC.
  4. We have rules here in the For Sale section. You must have at least 150 posts before making a sell, and have to include a picture with your username and date.
  5. How much are you paying for one? I just looked it up and I see them going for $250+, which is a total ripoff for 500w.
  6. So you purchased one before asking for input on it? Are you talking about the Rubicon 500.1? I've heard mixed reviews about it.
  7. 2 would look the best in Gold, but I prefer 1 if you decide to do something else.
  8. Thanks for all that man, can't quote all your posts since I'm on mobile but I appreciate the information and will definitely look into everything! And Brennan, I kinda already want to build one to my liking, so I may very well just go with the basic a5 and find parts that interest me.
  9. What subwoofers will you be using and how will your electrical look to support 3kw?
  10. Nice! That's the exact setup I will be running to each of my Lv 5s. so youll be doin 300db ya? hahahah.. 300.6dB to be exact... 240sx, have you gone through Fecupes SPL gain thread and tested out some of the things he's mentioned?
  11. Has anyone heard something about the Lv5s? Glad to see people are starting to get their tracking numbers, I'm sure it'll be like one big early Christmas
  12. Also considering the basic a5 with this barrel http://www.TippmannParts.com/DYE-Ultralite-Barrel-1-Tip-and-1-Back-You-choose-p/3764.htm Any thoughts man?
  13. Damn good information man, I really appreciate the help. This caught my eye... http://www.TippmannParts.com/Tippmann-A-5-with-H-E-Electronic-Grip-2011-p/3623.htm The various firing options seems nice. Any thoughts? I know mentioned a $200 budget in the OP, but it's flexible to a point.
  14. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/115478-anyone-know-a-15ohm-stable-amp/page__p__1621143__fromsearch__1#entry1621143 Thank you! You've already gotten A TON of suggestions, making the same thread again is pointless and annoying.
  15. Your a bounty hunter, therefore, badass. Recommend a specific gun from those brands?
  16. I'll definitely look into the a5. How is the range on it? How about the accuracy? EDIT: nvm just seen you posted again lol
  17. Chevy, I was checking out the Dye guns, but they seem so expensive. I'm guessing ou get what you pay for, ha? I'll look into Tippmans, everyone seems to like them (been reading various sites and reviews) Skittles, I'll check that gun out also If it might help with finding a gun, I want something with a TON of range, a good bit of power, and accurate as hell. I'm a 1shot kinda guy, always have been. But I also like the ability to have a OH SHIT spray every now and then
  18. Any recommendations on a gun that's good for a beginner and will still do some damage and impress friends? Lol and alright I'll keep that in mind, the weather is always retarded in Louisiana
  19. I don't think there is any teams/competitions around here. I live in the country, so I would just be playing around with friends, ducking and weaving in the woods and pastures. Can you recommend a good gun for that (I know it's a vague description of what I'd want it for, sorry lol) Was checking out the Kingman Spyder 09 Electra, any feedback on it?
  20. Seems like it would be fun, so I might start playing. Get a little crew together or something down here... But anyway, point of this thread is to see if anyone plays paintball, and if y'all can give me some recommendations on a good gun. Also, share your experience with it. I don't know what to look for with a paintball gun, so I figure someone can help me find something. Am I wrong to expect something halfway decent for around $200? I'm tired of spending all my money on audio equipment lol
  21. 2500BDCP would be a good match Those amplifiers normally put out 3200rms or so, do you think that the 12w7s can handle 1600w (clean power of course)? Just curious, I didn't think they could take much more than 1kw.
  22. That amplifier will be fine, nothing wrong with "underpowering" a subwoofer... And as mentioned before, they will be seeing theoretically 200w each, if the amp does 400 at 2ohm...
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