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I am Poncho

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Status Updates posted by I am Poncho

  1. FFFUUUUUUUUUU... soo irritated... was all excited for geting my comp at least to the 70% mark but nooooooooooo my motherboard had to be and open box with a warped board. so what did i get done. PSU and blu ray drive in. that is all. pfft. hope i ge the new board before i order everything else i need..

  2. FML i think this monitor is fucking defective too... :'(

  3. Fuck you Facebook you just made me keyboard smash so hard my mozzilla has been freaking out for the last 3 minutes. Thanks a lot.

  4. Fuck you rain. Don't even start with me.

    1. gally


      whould yo urather than rain like snow?

    2. hershy314


      We got around 8 inches of snow, and it's still snowing...I'd rather have rain.

    3. IH8PunkRok


      i have ice. I'd take either over this

  5. Fucking necromancer slut raging war in bonton.. some one shoot her already..

  6. Fucking weirdest emagine trip ever. Ran into 5 people I knew. Some of which was akward as hell.

  7. game gamity game gamer gamity gamer game game

  8. Going to be tailgating at gamestop tonight. Should come up of you preordered modern warfare 3! I'll probably be selling burgers and maybe hotdogs to those waiting in line. Should be fun.

    1. BeatBox


      everyday im hustlin

  9. goodbye facebook. the next time ill see you is on my new computer... :DDD

  10. got firsts coat on all walls in the van. 2 coats on the doors in areas and the ceiling kinda. doesnt work. need new idea on how to do it.. :-/ but 2nd and 3rd coat tomorrow? shouldnt be too bad...

  11. got my RMA for my monitor today.. kinda sad. im going to miss my proper sized screen... have to deal with stupid 15" laptop screen(notHD). :'(on the other hand though when i do get it back i should have my tower built. *evil laughter* cant wait to watch full HD ERTHANG!

  12. got the 18" back in my room. ugh. man did i miss this thing. :D

  13. great day today. nice and sunny. working out there getting my tan on. mowing grass.. oh yea and burning my hand on the damn mower muffler. i feel smart. went to urgent care and hand a blast whilst they cleaned it and gave me some shots. it was like a party. oh that reminds me. happy cinco de mayo!

    1. BeatBox


      ahh i did that to my arm, all i hear is "shhhhh" my fuckin skin burning on the muffler lol scarred for life.

  14. hahaha told you they were going to lose.

  15. happy sex and fertility celebration day.

  16. Haven't hurt this bad in years. Hopefully I will feel better after some sleep/drugs.

  17. hello facebook, coming to you live from Poncho's Tower. *evil laughter* muahahha ahhahahaha hahaa aahhaaaa.... yup just happened.. love this thing...

  18. hhmmmm to buy a new to me car before winter or keep throwing away money into this one....

  19. hould have stayed at the shop and got shit done/planned for my car. tminus: 61:00:00

  20. Hour straight of epic bassy goodness... Fully cranked. My entire body iss numb

  21. hypocritical bullshit for the day... teach children to worry about themselves to grow up so they take care of their own shit. then yell at them for not caring about others.

  22. i cant believe it is costing me more to se skrillex than to see motley crue and poison.. wtf is the world coming to..

  23. I get in the car and tell demps all I want to do is get in the car and listen to some eminem. Cd I just got doesn't. Work. Next song come on the radio. Eminem real slim shady. Fuck yes. Psychiced.

  24. i got probably the scariest part of my lights done today. videos uploading now. overall only about halfway done with everything... *sigh*

  25. I have a strong feeling that once I get my truck back in normal working order.. hopefully this weekend.. that ill be spending several hours and every available second of free time driving around building up ear drum calluses and disturbing the peace. I'm so bass deprived. #firstworldbassheadproblems

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