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Everything posted by JustinWilson

  1. off facebook until all work is done...ty

  2. gn facebook, tons of work to do tomorrow including an exam I have no idea how to prepare for...

  3. Today I am leaving politics to the like-minded, can't handle the radicals on either side at the moment, truthfully there is some middle ground, I call it reality...please catch up to me so we can all be better off.

    1. OrionStang


      Is this the 3rd or 4th time you've said this today? Fuck facebook.

  4. Not in the mood for games in the mood for reality. Be mature!

  5. Anyone ever make an Excel workbook they were just proud of? I have...now for the next 24hrs of work it will need to be truly impressive.

  6. The answer is yes, I can do a hairtrick! lol

  7. 12.5 credits in the fall and I should be done with my undergrad...all assuming I stay this summer.

  8. Just got accepted into Michigan Tech's APMP program, pretty excited.

  9. I have 4 -SA-15 D2's on a RF T40001bd...they sound great, keep it clean and they do amazing. 151.8db sealed on dash so far.
  10. Just got back from Chicago 20 mins ago and still not done with emails

  11. In Chicago! Nothing is mini about the prices on the mini-bar!

  12. Investment Analysis exam today at 2 then going to Chicago!

  13. nap time...been up too long

  14. Money is in my paypal right now. Buying a Rockford Fosgate T1000bdCP, best condition possible preferred. Post or pm me asap if selling.
  15. Heading out in like 50 mins...I hope the weather doesn't get too shitty.

  16. Hey Michigan TECH, FUCK YOU! You are the reason I didn't get my number one job pick! I sent the request for transcripts to be sent to them and they tell me they never arrived! This is 3 weeks later!

    1. n8ball2013


      WElcome to the real world.

  17. Done before 2am...WIN! Sleep, pack, drive...thats my today!

  18. As soon as this paper is done I am playing the waiting game to drive home!

  19. HOLY SHIT! Tech closed at 3pm!? First time it has done that since I have been here!!!

  20. I am off to my first exam this week...wish me luck...it would seem I need it right about now...

    1. 97SSBlazer


      get off SMD and go study :)

  21. Going to bed soon...tomorrow is going to be busy as hell...so will the rest of the week...oh well...heres to getting shit done!

  22. Found $21 in my pocket...loving today so far...

  23. Never going to the bar and then writing a paper at this time of night again...I just read that over and it is terrible...hopefully the professor reads it drunk... :/

  24. Getting better, very slowly...but clearly better.

  25. Sitting at my apartment wishing I wasn't sick...feel like crap

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