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Everything posted by Amart88

  1. How long did you leave it in with rice for? I had many ipods and i-Touches go through the washer and I put em' in a bag with a bunch of white rice, let it sit on the widow ledge in the sun for a few days and they always came out ok. Yours may be different. Also, If you tried to turn it on after it got wet it may be fried.
  2. Nice, I seen the thread and for some reason I couldn't NOT click on it. lol
  3. Yeah, I ended up doing 2 runs of 1/0 from the trunk batt(s) to the alt bracket for grounds. That should help. Also, Your Cobalt is hella' clean. it's what inspired me to do a large system in my pusuit (same car). I heard you are maybe doing a rebuild? I'll be tuned in.
  4. I'm using Knu OFC. I might be using aluminum buss bar if I can't find copper, thats all.
  5. I've got a bunch of 2/0 tinned copper lugs, I will be doing a fair bit of crimping with my hydraulic crimper over the weekend, is there any sort on anti-corrsion/oxidation liquid that you are supposed to apply to the bare wire before crimping? Thought I heard something about it a long time ago but I cant remember. Thanks. Also, are the Tinned copper lugs safe to use on aluminum?
  6. lol i remember the one with his girlfreind
  7. Yep ok, thank you all for clearing this up. Also, i consider this a big part of my 'research' as I have faith in people on here. I did read the manual but not that part i guess.. Thanks again
  8. So they say strappable at 2 ohm. Does this mean that each woofer will see 1 ohm? also dont want to have the amp running below reccomended impedence if i can help it
  9. because they are only stable at 2 ohm when strapped. I want to run them each at one ohm I dont want a 3500 watt amp putting out 2000 watts. and its more straight forward to wire when they are seperate? I hate having 2 wires crammed into one terminal. I would like them strapped, but i though I could just strap them so each one was paralell to each woofer but I guess not. I don't see why they can't make amps that allow you controll both without strapping. I'm lost
  10. Ok. well that answers that. they only make around 1975 watts each @ 2 ohm. I would want more than that so I guess i'll run them seperate. anf figure out this gain matching deal. Also anyone know if you can use one remot eknob with a splitter with these amps?
  11. Well, I will be hooking up my new BC3500's when the weather gets nice again. I am running 2 Fi N2 15's (Dual 2) and want to know if I should strap the crescendos or have them seperate? I was planning on running each woofer paralell to each amp at one ohm with 2 positive and 2 negitive runs to each woofer but if I strap them it would change everything? If I dont strap them, what is the best way to gain match? I don't have a cc-1 only a dd-1. Thanks
  12. a21bravo driving around? lol
  13. I was always told Get copper... copper copper copper. So. I just use tinned copper lugs now.
  14. MP3 cloud is only in the USA. I cant figure out how to download the album off amazon.ca it only lets me order the CD's? http://www.amazon.ca/Pt1-3-Block-Brochure-Welcome-E-40/dp/B0079411DU/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1334844194&sr=1-1
  15. Ok, well I was wanting to get E40's new block brochure album. Unsuprisingly it's not available on itunes in Canada...... So I was wondering what other trusted sites I can buy music from and download right to my computer. High quality. Any Ideas, prefernces? thanks. I do not feel like buying the cd's and waiting and going through all that ripping BS.
  16. I remembered seeing a product a while back called Chassis saver, it was on an episode of "trucks". You can use it as an undercoat paint and it also stops rust permenatly. Anyone ever use this product? They say its chip proof. I was thinking of getting a can and painting the underbody of my car. Get alot of moisture, rust and salt here. Vehicles like to fall apart from rust very fast here :S I fugured it would be good to do while theres not too much rust yet. Heres a link to it. What do you guys think? http://www.magnetpai...m/underbody.asp
  17. Ok, Thanks. So whatif i got an externally regulated alt? and used a xs vcm? or something like that to match the other one or will that not work. I don't know alot about this aspect. and would I need any ground or battery isolators if i used one alt for audio only?
  18. Ok, so I am going to be looking around the next few weeks to possibly get a custom alt bracet made to go in place of the AC compressor on an ecotec 2.2L 2006. Right now I have a 270a ohio generator that replaced the stock. My question is, if i get a bracket made, can I get a mechman as a 2nd alt? or should I not mix the two. Also i am new to these multiple alt setups. What would I need to make this work? I want both alts to supply the system and the cars electrical. not just one for the system and one for the car. I want to keep it all 12 volt. any advice is appreciated before I make any plans. Thanks
  19. Yeah that makes sense. Less resistance that way its direct. But would it hur to ground my batts in the trunk also? I like to over do things If you run Isolated ground runs, theres no point in running a separate (non isolated) ground to the body of the car. Yes, true but it never hurts to have more than not enough. Plus its sort of a "failsafe" it will take the path of least resistance anyways
  20. ...............................so even tinned they will still corrode on aluminum? Might just get some copper bars instead then. and doesn't dieelectric grease prevent conduction? like electrical tape? thought i heard that before, could be mistaken.
  21. I did order 40 tinned copper lugs. Now if they are tinned, can they be used on an aluminum buss bar? i know aluminum don't like copper.
  22. So just stick with the non tinned ones? They re still in my cart lol. made some dumb mistakes in the past so now I overthink everything. just concerned that the bare copper will oxidize or get all shitty on me after a while but I could be mis-inforemed
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