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Everything posted by Bump4life

  1. un plug volt meter from amp then replug it. i had same problem only when i added another amp. i unpluged stinger volt meter leads from amp then plugged them back in and now it works. Idk if it will work for you but its pretty simple to trouble shoot, only 3 wires
  2. this topic is going in the right direction but there i some detail that i know most of us know but we are leaving out. Box Rise. I saw it mentioned a couple times. So I agree with SNAFU when he says we shouldn't run below manufactures ratings because thats what the amps are designed for. Yes. But quality amps can be pushed a little (not a lot, I use this loosely don't kill me on this haha). Not to say we arent always taking chances when doing this. But it seems it is most common to wire a 1 ohm stable amp to .5 ohm. Bringing box rise into this. Yes you may be wiring at .5 ohm nominal but after all impedence rise (box rise, wire resistance(if much), terminal resistance (if you have one), anything else i forgot) you are most likely above 1 ohm impedence in real world application. If you wire to .35 or .25 ohms then maybe you can be under the min 1 ohm operating range but most of us have way more resistance than we anticipated, thus we are able to run our systems at ".5 ohm". this still requires some electrical upgrades and good wire and such but most can get away with it. When Joe Schmoe goes to do it without the knowledge or insufficient electrical he blows his shit up and wonders why. Just from my experiences, people who blow their amps whether they wire low or not because they are shit or because they used 8 gauge wire for 1000rms or something dumb like that. i mean how many people do you hear on here blowing a DC amp or a sundown amp, or a DD amp, or other quality brands. (maybe i am unaware of this or i miss posts) but I don't see many if any at all. But just a lesson for all of you who don't know, don't do it until you understand the reason for wiring lower, the pros and cons, as stated above by TEAM BASSICK, ( i agree mainly, but if you realize wiring lower puts you at 1 ohm exatly after rise then you wouldnt have a lot of the cons, if not then you are absolutely right), and if you don't mind something going wrong if your calculations are wrong. slowly start to increase volume don't just go out and crank it, see if it turns off before you get to peak volume. If you are careful with it and calculate curent draw and over compensate with electrical no problems should occur hopefully. Guys if I missed anything or wrong info, lets hear it but i hope I didn't do too bad. edit: just a quick summary of my main point i wanted to get across, if you wire to a lower impedence an the other impendece rise factors put you to the amps safe operating impedence then you are fine. Just hope you have the rise to do so. if not, then you can be asking for trouble. Disclaimer- there are exceptions to every rule!! of course there are guys that run .5 ohm and lower with no troubles for mainly competition, use info at own risk, otherwise listen to manufacturers ratings!
  3. So I go to Michigan... enough said. then the complete dorm room set up, normally i have the speaker on top of the box further right for stereo seperation but my roommates desk is clutered so didnt want to ruin the pic ahah. and here is a preview of the car before i do the build log. just to clarify, the reason i had to do 2 seperate boxes is because i couldn't fit a 3 cube net single box in through the trunk opening. I had to slide one box in at a time. and i like the look of a slot port on each side rather than a single aero in middle. then you can see i made a face plate to make it appear like 1 box. and routed all edges of course. detailed explanations and pics in build log!! (soon)
  4. saw this on DD's Facebook! its bumping!! no no no, itss slamming, no no no, its ground pounding, no its just straight up loud!
  5. vitamins and ignorant have interesting beats too that bang!
  6. "Just wondering the opinions about the quality of kicker amps compared to the aq line of amps." that is clearly a vs question. comparing = vs. before a mod gets in here hopefully someone will help you. all i can say is i ran my AQ1200D at .5ohm through last summer and it pounded all day everyday no problems and sounded good doing it. they really are a great product. Only reason i got rid of was because I got a connection with DD and get good prices. But my friend still bumps that AQ1200D @ .5ohm and sounds good in his car now. good amps for the price
  7. knukonceptz.com is your friend for wiring. and go with xs power bat over kinetik
  8. i thought you said you didnt want to screw up your car?? ^^^
  9. hmm well are you able to measure port? HxW? that will tell a lot. and yea man you might want a bat upgrade or something. you said you have kinetik 600? that may be a little light to run the AQ1200. and although cartunes may say it is custom it may not be what you want. their custom is different from truly custom desinged for your speaker for your car
  10. yea man the AQ 1200 can be run on stock electrical. but if you want to get full use of its quality and power your gunne need to do big 3 upgrade, i believe an 02 camry doesnt have that beefy of a stock electrical? correct me if im wrong. and you said you have a "custom" car tunes box. what is the port size or any specs on this box?
  11. hell yea. i mean its basic bass notes. 3 notes and they all get down and bump. so thats mainly why i got it. he has a couple others on mixtape that do work too but this is my fav.
  12. oh yea if you dont have any electrical upgrades DO NOT run at .5ohm. i ran AQ1200D at .5ohm with proper elecctrical and it was impressive for the price. you were looking ta the AQ1200d correct?
  13. alright well idk about them but car tunes in westland is a huge rip off. they just try to push JL and ARC audio all day. but start with the amp you have now and if you want more upgrade later. what kinda box do you have currently?
  14. your box jumping up is one problem. it hitting the lows is another problem whether it be the box or maybe loading issues off back of car it theres no breathing roomb, etc. it could be many things. l bracks will hold your box down. then give an update. i dont see how your box moving will effect the sound too much. i see it taking away from SPL but it should still produce lowend if designed right
  15. AQ is sold only online from audioque.com or you can buy used from someone. did you go to cartunes in westland for your stuff?
  16. well than just get another JX 1000/1 if you want more power. JL amps are good. but yea for the money there are other brands that will give you plenty of power. but if you wanna stick with your JL amp your gunna have to make a choice. personally, id get D2 subs so you can wire them at 2 ohms now for your JL amp. if oyu want more power down the road, sell the JL amp and get audio que or a solid amp and run at .5 ohm nominal and after box rise you will be at 1 ohm hopefully or a lil more and you be golden. look at a 1500 watt amp if your looking to do that. but i would suggest some experience before you wire to .5ohm. need to do electrical upgrades and make sure your box rise puts you at 1 ohm. but do the JL amp with 2 D2 subs for now if you like that amp.
  17. ur port area is too small your port area per cube is too small, your box is most likely too small
  18. yea it is! great songs on there. I just think this song would appeal to most on here, we all lik eour music real loud ahah
  19. Ok so , if you like Mac Miller, this is a killer song. it has been out a week or 2. I'm not to huge of a fan of Mac but this song made me look twice at some of his work. Check it! it pounds pretty good. http://soundcloud.co...mac-miller-loud
  20. alright man well good luck! and im limited on trunk space too! nothing wrong with a pair of 10s, it can get the job done. unless your really talking about being serious. but that involves a lot of time and money
  21. There's two car audio shops right down the road from my house, pretty much literally. I think I'm gonna stop by there after school one day next week and see what they'd charge for some wire. Problem is, one of them is one of those places that'll wanna do it for me and charge me for it. I hate going in there. Some of those guys are pretty cool and just like to talk about stuff, show you what you could do, give you ideas and whatnot. The rest of them always seem like they're trying to pressure you into buying something and letting them do an install for you. Don't get me wrong, I've seen them do some pretty damn sweet installs, but $125 and up for a 5 channel amp seems a little steep to me. idk what the shops are like around you man, but where im from, you can never find cheaper wire than knukoncepts or ebay. like they have to make a profit somehow and they will charge you up the ass for wiring. if you can do it yourself, buy the wire online at one of the 2 sites posted. personally im a knu fan. but dont get scammed by paying more for crappy wire from a shop. most shops that is. its not always the case, but be careful, hopefully you lknow what true 4 ga should look like.
  22. these boxes are soo frekin awesome. im going to have to build osme like these now. damn, jjust straight up tight. fresh
  23. if i had cash id help a brother out but im scraping together money for my wiring ahha. and 14 gauge for the power your running should be fine. personally, i love 10 gauge karma SS from knukonceptz, but im running more power than you.when i had a JL 500/1 a while back and noticed signicant increase in owend reproduction when i went to 12 gauge wire from 16 gauge. so im sure the 14 gauge should be doing you fine. if you get more power though ever get some bigger wire. it never hurts
  24. Probably gonna end up doing that. ESPECIALLY considering that parts of what I want are on clearance and dirt cheap. I'll get those first. Hee heh. 4awg here I come. I'll try that first, and see what I can do about a big 3 too. I just realized that the specs of my amp say to use 4awg power wire. How silly of me to overlook my amps booklet and go with a wiring kit the can handle "systems up to 1000 watts". Classic novice, right here. the big 3 is always a good idea, especially if your car is older which tends to mean smaller stock wiring, but with the power you are running now start with the 4 gauge and good ground and see what happens. you can always add. just trying to save you some cash.
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