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Status Updates posted by G-Rad

  1. guess I'm gonna try and record the Heel-Toe tutorial video. To all you YT fans/followers, this is something you've wanted for ages, it feels like!

  2. Does anyone in my area have a spare box fan (the somewhat-big square fans), or any other large fans, they're not using. Gota do something to get some airflow going in this house. The thermostat, right now, reads 92°F in here. Thank you. If not, that's fine. Just trying to do what I can.

  3. One day, she will come into my life... One day, I will finally know what it feels like to have my own little family. Something I've wanted for years. One day, I will no longer have to struggle to see. One day, life will change for the better... One day.. This is what I keep telling myself. To be honest, it makes me feel mislead, but I'm trying to be happy/positive.

  4. Facing challenges one by one, but trying so hard to carry on.

  5. I'm goin' to sleep, Zap me a txt if you want. Nothing else to do on here.

  6. What next? A/C went out again (Thaks to my friend, Jake for getting it up and running for a little bit longer), Satellite doesn't work now, and nor does the new Internet. On top of that, the garage's power just gave out and the breaker's not tripped, that I can see. I'll get someone over to look at that one though. I'm trying guys, I'm trying to stay positive.

  7. Our a/c went out... Lovely

  8. Me, behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladdin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with 7 men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac Man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies that always had the munchies.The fault is not mine! If you had this childhood and loved it, repost

  9. Anyone have a USB Pressure sensor for, say a Termlab?

  10. It's 11am and the house is already organized/cleaned up. Guess I'll put on a movie or watch one of my drumming DVD's. Portnoy or Minnemann. Waiting on the UVerse modem to arrive. Will be better than this DSL Speedstream 5400 I've been using since 2004.

  11. Played Guitar Hero for the first time in months. Kinda made me a little sad. ss my friends. We used to play this game together. All my friends have their own families now, and to be honest, I feel kinda left out there. Oh well, Life goes on. :(

  12. :( I'm not feeling right. I just wanna snap... But I'm doing my damndest to keep my cool...

    1. Sanitarium


      Stop being a bitch and bitch slap someone.

  13. Got my new amp in. Today has been long.

  14. Got a new amp. 760w 2 ohm stable. WOrking slowly from the ground up. Next is some tweters.

    1. OrionStang


      I got some brand new Hertz tweeters for sale. Hit me up

  15. Tearing out the living room carpet/padding , tack strips, and all. Gonna tae a different floor route. Probably Paint/Polyeurothane.

  16. For shits and grins, I wired up the 2 Fosgate 12's and the Q 12 to the 250w amp. Shook the whole house. Got a lead on some nice Kicker CVX 12's in a ported box too small for them. but it's a box. I'm goin' to rebuild it out of birch.

  17. What have I done to deserve this? I try to be the nice guy, and in the end, I'm just the cold shoulder target. Was it meant to be this way? Oh well, bring it. Nothing I've not een through before.

  18. Goin' to the church tonigt to listen to the band and what not. may jam a song or two, don't know yet.

  19. 3 down, gonna work on another one today :)

  20. < in Writing mode

  21. What a world we live in. Technology progresses only to crash the very future we try to create.

    1. Autruche


      Yeah, and Y2K was real, and the Rapture happened back in May, right?

  22. I may not have much, but I am blessed to have what I do. I make the best of it and despite people saying "It'd be easier if you go out and get...". Well, that may be the case, but it's not always an option.

  23. I had alot of fun this morning! First time I could go to church and actually not feel pressured/cluttered. :) May have found a nice place to go. Dallas County Cowboy Church

  24. Off to church... Wait, what?! Yes.. Church.

    1. BeatBox


      Praise the LORD!

    2. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      if ur scared go to chuch

  25. Anyone wanna come over and watch the game with me? I'm bored and could use some company. Thanks.

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