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Status Updates posted by TigerTony

  1. I'm really liking the Sol Republic x Deadmau5 headphones

  2. Not even on full power these EA500 15's hit hard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ALPINE408


      Let me guess only 1/4 gain lol

    3. SlamminBeats


      1/32 gain, 1/16 once you get the 1 farad boss cap

      cant wait

    4. KillaCam


      Bro I only got it like a quarter of the way up cuz if i go high my window is gonna bust.

  3. Not too sure what i'm more excited for. My ride along this week or getting my subs in..

  4. if all goes as planned then my Eminent 15's should be here tomorrow!

  5. Only a few more days until I finally have Bass again!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TigerTony


      Forgot to say they are 15's. I just have to work out a design for a box that'll fit my awkward opening in my trunk.

    3. Raptorman


      Noice, I've heard great things about Eminent so far.

    4. TigerTony


      all the guys at the shop are great guys.  I can't wait to hear the subs! i'll probably put a video up a few days after I get them in.

  6. All these new songs come out after I sell my sub. 2 weeks till i hear all these newer songs!

  7. Cabin Fever 2 makes me wish my subs were in. 3 Weeks to go!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LT.Smoke


      We talkin the movie or is there a soundtrack called Cabin Fever 2??

    3. TigerTony


      Oh no, wiz released another mixtape called cabin fever 2. It sounds good on my headphones but i'm waiting for my new 15's to come in.

    4. LT.Smoke
  8. Subs are all paid off, now to design a box.

  9. Now begins my month long without bass in my car. but it's gonna be worth it!

  10. Next Goal: Find a 40+ Quart cooler for under 25$

  11. I cant wait till I sell my Sub! 6 months it's been on craigslist. :|

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TigerTony


      It Sucked for the first two 2. Then its just like repost over and over.

    3. bass_stalker


      same here man, what are you selling?

    4. TigerTony


      my 12" MTX7500 and a amp I have no use for right now.

  12. I hate when people from craigslist say they want to buy your stuff then back out. >:|

    1. OrionStang


      It happens. I hate when you arrange to meet them and they don't show up.

    2. TigerTony


      That's happened to be a few times. That's what really makes me mad.

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